Family Gathering after New Year with loved ones @ Gitagum

in Daily Blog2 months ago

The family that prays together stays together. Family is Love. No family is perfect, but the love for each other will always be there, no matter what. - Al Scalpone*

Hello, yesterday, we went to Gitagum for a family gathering with other relatives. We shared a simple celebration and ate lunch. When we arrived at the destination, one of our uncles was still cooking Boiled Pork Soup. We waited for that dish to be done because that was the highlight of our meal. 🙃. We also brought some food and placed it on the big table.


We talked and laughed together and shared our experiences on New Year's Eve and what we did and did. They said that they slept until 3 am just singing and laughing all the way.


Some of our relatives have a beer while chit-chatting. We all have different experiences and some of them are tiring but we are happy to do it.

After the boiled pork soup was done, we gathered and stood up our grandmother prayed to bless our food and bless the people who brought this food to our table for many blessings to come this year. We are so happy even though our foods are simple, they are delicious and healthy.

We have Cucumber and Seamoss (seaweed-guso) salad, brown rice, Fish escabeche, potato salad, and pork adobo. I have the cucumber and seaweed salad because it is my favorite. 😍 These are all simple dishes but it was simply delicious. We enjoyed having lunch together

Last month they harvested their tobacco plant, here are some examples of those tobacco-dried leaves. Some of them were kept in a very closed room free from moisture.

pray 2.png

The place of our relatives was surrounded by many coconut trees. These are all for personal consumption only and not for sale. If their neighbors want some dried coconut they will just give it for free. Some of the husks were used as fuel for fires. When you stand beside a coconut tree you should be careful as there might be some falling coconut.

Their place was very solemn and you can only hear the frogs and crickets at night. Every year we always visit this place as a way of gathering and reconnecting with our relatives and some of them come from different places. We are just a few here because some could not make it because they are also having family time in another province. When we want to stay in a solemn place this is our go-to place. This is just a 40-minute ride from our home. The people here are very welcoming and they accept us with arms wide open.

If you want to eat coconut salad and drink fresh coconut water this is a place to be. YOu just have to ask, you can get it for free. The signal here is not good and it is a good thing because you can bond with your family.

Thank you so much and I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. See you next time! Peace!✌️

-XoXoXo---- @luthis26