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RE: The Last Lap

in Daily Blog4 days ago

Aww, my baby.
Sorry about getting your expectations cut short. Right now, I’m like you having that same thoughts that it will get easier with the next level but that is obviously not going to be the case because even in games, the higher the level we get to, the more challenging it becomes but one thing is worthy to note, as it gets more challenging, we continue to get better and better, so I believe in the end as long as we don’t give up, it will all be worth it.

Striving through these years has never been easy, you only just got stronger and more motivated to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m always praying for you and I have chosen to believe that you will finish this last lap really well more than you even thought you would. I’m rooting for you always, whether far or near so don’t worry about anything and just do what you can and allow God do his part.

Sending you a big warm, fuzzy and long hug, love. ❤️


Thank you, my love.

It can be quite challenging when things don’t meet our expectations. In this case, when they go far beyond our expectations.

It is normal that you think it would get easier. I had exactly those thoughts. It gets harder, love. But, I trust that you'll fight the battles and overcome. You've grown, love. You're no longer the Hopestylist I knew about a year ago, and that’s nice.

Thank you so much for everything, love.❤️🌹

You’re welcome, my baby. 🥰

Yeah, thanks to you I’m very sure I won’t struggle with so much as I should have. Now, I’m going to just keep preparing for the worst even as I hope for the best. 🤲

I’m glad I have you too, love. ❤️