in The City of Neoxian2 months ago

Hello beautiful people. The saying, "the faintest ink is mightier than the strongest memory" is definitely no news to us. But I bet it appears to be a more known than done thing.

I'll like to draw our attention to one importance, or maybe two, of penning things (ideas, plans, dreams...) down.

God's word in Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to "...write the vision, and make it plain so that he who reads may run with it.

Some people have dismissed the idea of coming up with "new year resolutions" due to experienced or witnessed failure in achieving them, 'so why bother, just go with the flow', they say. But we see how the first Inspiration for the year calls us to have a long-term plan, rather than emotionally drawn short-term unrealistic goals.

Write - where it's easily accessible by you
Make it plain - break it down into measurable points/steps
Read - go over them frequently
Run - take actions as necessary


Small trickles of water determined to find it's destination, with several attempts, reaches the desired destination because there's a knowledge of the destination.

So when we are encouraged to write our new year/month/week/season's goals, it's not to put us under pressure, but to help us have a focus to run with.

Moreso, I've often seen the things I pen down, for instance a shopping list or expense budget even when I don't have the money for it, and don't specifically pray about them, become a reality. That is another power in writing things down. It's like submitting a bill to God, like Sir Edaton usually says.

I pray as you pen down your ideas, plans and dreams, may they be from your heart to God's ears and back to your hands in Jesus's Name. Amen.

Writing down ideas has been a huge challenge to me since I was little yet, I cannot deny the fact that anytime I attempt to pen down ideas, I run better with them... My level of comprehension too becomes different.
