They claim that adaptability is man's strongest skill. However, I believe that everyone has an elasticity limit, and once this limit is reached, people are unable to adapt. For a long time, the Nigerian economy has deteriorated to the point where the average salary is insufficient to sustain a week's living expenses.
There are other bills to pay, such as rent, electricity, medical, insurance, and savings, but if the average wage is insufficient to feed a family, how will people adapt when there is literally nothing to adapt to? Financial survival used to be a game; you are not given enough, but there are available solutions to address the lack of resources.
Nowadays, there is nothing.
People are literally starving, unable to pay their rent or even take a break. If you leave the hustle for even one day, you will fall, and this has consequences. I do not know about other places in the world, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to survive here.
People flee to countries where they become virtual slaves to the currency, but because the economies are strong enough, they can work, live comfortably, and even save.
In Nigeria, inflation targets your ability to save, primarily because some people prefer to fill their pockets with the country's resources.
Previously, it was easier to ignore the country's financial problems by working extra hours and becoming frugal. However, the practice of frugality is no longer sufficient. Most of the time, I wake up angry. I am deep in thought even when I am praying. I am trying to figure out the cheapest ways to live, but I sometimes end up spending more because I overestimate.
I recently decided to extend my hospital appointment because I could no longer afford the three-month limit. Generally, you would expect the public hospital to step in, but the public hospital provides terrible healthcare and employs more incompetent workers. Normally, you would think that health comes first. While this is true, poor nutrition or a lack of a place to live directly endangers your health.
This means that medical intervention is not the only thing that improves one's health.
It is the cost of living a healthy lifestyle. For the past ten months, I have expected to be able to take a three to six-month break from the hustle to try to find myself after the death of my only sibling. Unfortunately, the savings have been eroded by inflation and numerous hospital visits.
It just goes to show that you either show up or drown.
We are gradually approaching a point where people are becoming mindless zombies to the grind.
To survive, people will need to devote 100% of their time to working or hustling, given the current state of the economy. This means there would be no time to live or give life a meaning other than work and hustling. I am not sure if this applies to other countries, but this is where Nigeria is headed.
People are no longer concerned with anything other than money and survival, and this steals away the other things that give life meaning. I believe this has significant consequences. Living to survive leads to surviving to live. When people seek the means to survive, they simply want enough to get through the day. People used to talk about owning a house, saving money, and so on.
However, unless you form a conglomerate of profitable businesses, you will only be concerned with survival.
It is difficult to have a simple conversation these days without talking about money; everything people do is influenced by money in some way.
It just makes people mindless chase without looking back.
The economy brings out the worst in people. It devastates families, homes, and friendships, among other things. People are currently selling their votes, rights, and integrity for cash, betraying friends and family in the process. Again, I believe it is a cyclical phenomenon. Nigeria will never improve; in fact, I believe it will only worsen, and this is because no one wants change to start with them.
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