Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese 😍
Welcome to my blog 🤗
Living above your means can kill faster than a two edged sword and it is the cause of so many people's downfall today. When you are earning $80 and the lifestyle you are fueling is that of a person earning $800, tell me how you're not planning for your untimely misfortune. Those words may sound harsh but it is the truth.
It will be difficult to keep up with your lifestyle when you live above your means because you will always run into trouble. Either you're running away from people that you're owing. Living above your means will make you buy things such as clothes, jewelleries, cars, houses and so on without fully paying. Some even go to the extent of borrowing these things just to maintain a certain class.
There is no doubt that in life there are different categories of people and classes. The admission into a social class is through your lifestyle. But some people who want to belong to a class higher than theirs would do anything possible to attain it. Even if it means faking it. When you start to hang around people who are above your class you may want to remain relevant in their midst by wearing expensive outfits, eating in fancy restaurant etc.
Away from all of that, some people live above their means through the way they spend their money. As a person you're the one that know your income and you should be the one to know how best to manage it. This means you should know the amount you spend in a day, week and month. In most cases, it is simple mismanagement of funds that make a person begin looking for funds to settle bills after a week or two that their salary was paid. If your salary can not buy you designer bags or shoes, then opt for the lower grades. You will buy those designers when your income increases.
Well, most of us are guilty of living beyond our means but it is just that some are done to the extreme. There are times when you may begin to notice that you haven’t achieve the things you want to do within a certain period and you may think it because your income isn't enough. But if you look carefully around, you would observe that you may have diverted the funds into other things without even paying attention to it. You may notice that you have started eating out more than you usually do and this means more expenses. You may notice that you spend more hours streaming videos on social media and it results to higher allocation of funds to buying of data. All these little expenses would start accumulating and make you leave important projects uncompleted.
It may not be obvious to you that you're beginning to live above your means because it happens slowly. It would have got to you before you realize it. This is the reason it is important to pay attention to your lifestyle and curb any form of behaviour that you see that is not adding positive values to you. First, you must know that there is nobody you're competing with in life, hence no need to start living a fake lifestyle. The effects of living beyond your means may not show immediately but sooner or later it will show.
Thanks for reading and see you in my next post.