Regaining my strength!

in HiveGhana7 days ago



Life and its challenges are those things that make one strong. And one thing that is so sure about life is that, there's no way one will not encounter one challenge or the other no matter how smart one his or even what status or class one belongs to. Like I used to say, life will not give one what one deserve, but in striving for the best, one can get it right.

I have seen people overcoming the challenges of their life by facing it squarely without looking back or retreating from the battle front of their life and at the long run, they were able to overcome. Though not so easy, but their resilience and determination always win the battle for them.

So, going by topic before me, I would like to say I have encountered series of challenges and hard times in my lifetime, but one thing is that I have always come out victorious in all the challenges that I have faced in my life. Though, it might not have been easy rides for me, but victory is always certain at the end.

So, as regard the topic on what are those measure I used to take when I'm out of energy or demoralized. Hmmm, in all the challenges I have faced so far, God has really helped me in taking series of measures to tackle different challenges. So I would be sharing with us one or two measures that have always given me back my energy and victory when demoralized or drained of energy.

The first measure I have always been taking is that of self retreat. When I say self retreat, self retreat is an act of personal assessment where one takes time to relax, reflect and rejuvenate the happenings in his or her life. This sole act has really worked wonders in my life whenever I'm down or demoralized. Though, it used to take me time to reassess myself and the happenings in my life, but the end result always come out to give me new energy and identity to overcome the challenges before me and the one to come. I love this strategy so much.

Apart from the self retreat as mentioned in the above paragraph, another strategy of mine to regaining my energy whenever I'm down or demoralized is to engage people of likes mind. This I used to do when things cannot be handled by myself through the self retreat. Engaging people.of like minds and people that are full of experience has really helped me to regaining my strength on so many occasions, there's a time I was into a partnership business with a fellow, so, when this partnership is no more working as before and I was on the verge of going into depression, i thought of so many steps to take, but all to no avail, but there's a day I decided to engage my dad and in his pool of experiences share with me via advice, I was able to take a courageous decision that set me free and gave me enough energy to forge ahead.

And lastly, whenever I'm down and demoralized, going out to engaging in other activities has always given me more energy, I could remember when someone I love so much broke up with me. Then, this lady in question was the love of my life, but suddenly, she was misbehaving and she later broke up with me. She told me she didn't see us together and afterwards she left me broken hearted. This her act was so painful, but there's nothing I could do after all my plea to her was nothing to her. But, instead of me being distracted by all that happened between us, I rose up and went out to engaging in graphic designing and since then, I have been able to regain my lost energy and strength.

So, there's many other ways through which I have been able to regain my strength and energy when demoralized, but these three are the major way through which i have been able to overcome the challenges and threat of life.

This is my entry to the hiveghana weekly prompt.

Thanks for reading.

Picture sourced.


Self retreat? Nice.
I’ve never heard of such a thing. We learn each day. Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome friend

Challenges are what makes us stronger because look at it, if we have life easy on a platter of gold, development will not happen and growth will be stagnant. I have since come to view hard times as challenges to be better and like yoy, when I get in any situation that threatens my emotional state, I just distract myself with other activities that makes me happy.

Yes, that's just the way out