Sounds I Find Irritating

in HiveGhanalast year

Every day we are accustomed to sounds around us. It can be in the home, roads, at work, and so on. A place with no sound is said to be "empty" or "not full of life"

The effect of sounds is very important not only in our lives but also in our surroundings. I once heard a funny thing related to sound. It is said that cracks that can be found in unoccupied buildings are because there are no inhabitants in the building and the house isn't hearing any sound 😄😄😄😄.

But as we all know some sounds can be soothing to the ears while others irritate. I would choose listening to the sound of birds in natural surroundings over the sound of loud noise in the city especially in a place where insecurity is the order of the day.

I could remember where I grew up, it's a place where the city is never asleep with the hustle and bustle all around. A very loud noise would have everyone running helter-skelter for safety. There was a time that a riot broke out between some thugs and the day we heard the sound of a gun not far from our house, my dad knew we had to move for our safety.

Music produces sounds that we all love to listen to. It could be either fast or slow beats and we would still dance and sway our body to the sound of the music. Sometimes when we just want to relax, we end up finding ourselves standing up and dancing due to the beautiful sounds we are listening to.

However, there are some sounds I just find so irritating some of which include loud noises, especially ones that catch me unaware. It gets me so angry especially when it's something I can't put a stop to. For example, someone throwing knockouts close to me during festive periods or a car tire suddenly going off beside me producing a very loud noise could just put me off.

Snoring is another sound I find irritating. Some can be mild while some can be so loud. I once visited a relative and I stayed for a maximum of two days as against my plan to stay for a week. The first night I spent there, I first thought they had trucks going off in their compound. It was so bad that I couldn't sleep well. After the second night, I knew I had to go back to my house for the sake of my health.

Some sounds can also made by people while eating. I for one take table manners very important because as it is, some people lack table manners and don't watch how they eat as long as they fill their bellies. Some people enjoy slurping their foods/ drinks but I don't like it when people chew loudly, though its not super irritating and it can a bit bearable but if it becomes too much I could always try to get the person to eat properly. If it's someone younger than I am, I could just tell them to eat properly while for an adult (to avoid it coming off as being rude), I would just move away from them.

Amongst all, the sound I find most irritating is the sharp metallic clang of Metal scraping on another metal. That sound makes me so uncomfortable and irks me so much. It doesn't help much that there is a Welder shop which is not far from my house and whenever the electrical power is on, he starts scraping away. It hurts more because when I try to drown it out by putting on my headphones and playing music, it sometimes goes over the sound from my headphones making it irritate me more. I would just lie on my bed with my hands over my ears dreading the minute the irritating sound comes on again. Even after it's over, I still feel irritated for a while.

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LMAO, I hate to stay around people that snor😫😫😫 and you see that last sound you mentioned, it drives me nut.

Sounds during festivies are sweet but same time annoying when is near to you...i can imagine pretty well....😄

Lol, those sounds indeed are irritating, I hate them as much as I hate listening to someone with a horrible voice and doesn't follow the tune of the music lol

Staying awake through out the night because of snoring can be very irritating.

The sound of people eating can be so irritating. I wonder how they're not irritated themselves. And snoring— I think no one ever likes the sound. They snore so loud, and they're fast asleep. How are they enjoying their sleep while making so much noise? It's something I can never cope with.