Teenage smoking 🚬 | Becoming so worst by the day

in HiveGhana2 months ago (edited)

Everyday there's always something new we discover .
I've been noticing something lately and it has been a cause for concern . The rate at which people smoke and take vapes is so alarming .

The fact that people manufacturing cigarettes, wrote it on the pack, making it known that....

Smokers are liable to die young.

It still doesn't make sense to me, for someone to intentionally harm his/her self, after being warned about that particular substance. It's more like taking poison or insecticide knowing fully well that you're going to die you take it.

Nobody wants to die, yet they take substances harmful to their body systems. It's not like I'm trying to judge those that smoke, but I'm stating my opinion about cigarettes and vapes.

10 years ago, smokers are always shy to smoke in public. I could remember spotting a group of old men smoking in an uncompleted building, they quickly threw their cigarette on the floor and stepped on it . Today the reverse is the case

People smoke in the public not minding the damages it could cause to their health and also to those around them. I saw a man few months ago smoking cigarettes, i felt he was just one of the smokers on the street. Few days after that day, i saw him with a ventolin inhaler 😱, this man is Asthmatic .

I couldn't believe my eyes. Why should he be putting his life at such high risk, exposing himself to danger. That very day, i felt like confronting him, but on a second thought it's not my business, so I went on my way.

Teenage smoking

My younger sister's classmate, she's just 18 years old. She has been exposed to adult life and it's not healthy for a young girl that age. Most times she'd go to parties and make videos of herself smoking vapes .

I'm always amused whenever i see young teenager engaging them selves in any form of smoking activity . I just feel that this teenagers don't really know the implications of what they're doing, because if they actually know, i don't think they'd want to put their lives in such danger.

Most times, whenever i see people smoking. I'm always wondering what's fun about it, is it a source of enjoyment?
I've asked this questions and I've said still not gotten any positive response .

I'm not here to criticize anybody but I'm just earning my mind and my view concerning smoking and smokers. Smoking cigarettes or vapes are harmful to the lungs and one is prone to cancer when the lungs affected by this harmful substances. Cigarette contains carcinogen, and when carcinogen is found in the body system it is really harmful.

Smoking has a lot of bad side effects, I still don't know why it haven't been banned yet. The rate at which young teenagers are engaging themselves into smoking and vaping is really alarming. Sometimes I wonder if their parents don't actually know that their children are engaging themselves in this harmful substance.

I spoke to a teenager who I was close to, she had a vape in her hands which she was actually taking at that time, she said vaping is not harmful but smoking cigarette is more harmful. I made her realize the both are the same, because inhaling this smoke would affect her lungs. I don't know if she has stopped engaging in vaping, I knew I give her an advice I'll give my younger ones.

Please quit smoking, it's harmful to your body system

This is my entry to the hive ghana weekly engagement wk-85

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I don’t know why I’m laughing. Why would an asthmatic person be playing with fire like that 😂. Oh well…

I can't even believe my eyes...
People are just crazy 🤦‍♀️

The rate at which people smoke in the open these days says it all.

It's doesn't just make sense to me at all

I smoked when I was 11. Once started it's difficult to stop, like any other habit, be it a good or bad one.

It's still up to each individual and personally I don't judge people on that.

I'm not smoking (much) anymore, I quit just about a year ago. I sometimes have a cigarette, maybe once a week.


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