My Ways Of Relaxing

in HiveGhana11 months ago

On a daily basis, almost everyone of us passes through series of strenuous activities all because we want to make ends meet. Many people work on different shifts and still have their children to take care of when they are back from school. Catering for ourselves and family members had choked some people up to the point that they forget the importance of taking a break once in a while.


They don't know that no matter the kind of work one does, resting is extremely important. To rest means to take a break and relieve oneself from work or any activity so as to release some stress and regain strength to get fully back to work.

I am a kind of person that doesn't like working on weekends, that's why when I'm engaging in a task I try to work according to schedule so as not to choke myself up with work so that my leisure time won't be tampered with because when I'm undergoing a stressful job I tend to develop body temperature which can lead me to break down. So to avoid that, I try all my possible best to create time for my relaxation.

My best way of relaxing and is being alone, I love solitude so much to the extent that I can be by myself for a complete day or more without stepping out for a second. My solitude helps me to relieve all stress I've passed through and my routine in it is just to listen to cool music, relax and eat.

Thankfully I now stay alone, so once I intend to relax, I will have gotten everything I needed for my relaxation then I will bathe and remain indoors for that day just to rest and regain my strength. This works magic for me and love engaging in solitude relaxation.


Another way I love to relax is by visiting a cool garden, there is a garden in my state of residence that's very good for relaxing. At the garden, no form of music is allowed except during special days like the festive period.

So when I want to be out of my house for relaxing, visiting that garden is always number one on my mind, I tend to enjoy the fresh air from nature in that serene environment and also learn one or two things from the journals that are always there.

I also release some stress by going out with my sisters; they are a great lover of fun and I love them so much. Being out with them is always fun filled, we usually go out once in a while when all of us are back home.

We do go to lots of places depending on our agreement on where to visit, Our last outing was a park where I got to ride a pendulum and roller costa for the very first time in my life. So I'm looking forward to this April for another exciting outing. Having a nice time together also help me relax and this gives me a lot of joy.

Thanks for visiting and happy weekend!


It’s really a good thing to be able to enjoy your company. Me-times are really important for all of us and yours is even a plus if it helps you relax
It’s no surprise the kind of relaxation we get from nature due to its serenity

Yes o, solitude moment and enjoying nature in a serene environment works like magic during leisure time. Thanks for visiting lady!

You’re welcome

Gardens will always be a place of relaxation because that’s one of the benefits of nature.

Sisters always have a special way of helping us forget our real life problems and also to release stress.
We’re happy to see that you have quite a number of options when it comes to getaways.

Yes o, my getaways are precious to me. Thanks for visiting, I appreciate your kind gesture.

It good to enjoy one's company because you don't have anyone to bother or stress you for any reason

Yes o, I love such wonderful solitude moment. Thanks for visiting

You are welcomed