Speaking of teachers, we do trust and respect our teachers as they are the one who guides us to the right path, teaches us not just lessons but how to be a good person, guide us to be the greatest version of ourselves, teaches us the lessons we need for the future since preschool teachers already hold a big part of our life as our guardian and second mother, But what if I tell that mistakes are the best teacher, Do you believe that our mistakes teach us life lessons, people tend to make mistakes, we're only humans, we do mistakes, we commit mistakes, Mistakes aren't the thing that we are proud of, we tend to forget those mistakes, that we commit in our past life and start a better life and move forward.

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Mistakes give a life lesson
When we tend to commit mistakes, we make sure that apply those mistakes to our life as we keep moving forward and move on, we apply those mistakes for the future and never let them happen again, applying those mistakes can make us better, Yes better, because mistakes make the person stronger, a better version than before. if you commit a mistake twice, that describes how irresponsible a person you are, if you don't apply those mistakes and become stubborn because you already hate life, you become stubborn and make everything worst. just like what I noticed in my uncle's situation. a set of examples of a person who never learns from his own mistakes.

Always apply those mistakes to be a better person or face the consequence if not
Our family lineage isn't born rich, we are born poor, we are the type of family that needs to work hard every day just to survive, we don't have money in our bank accounts, and we don't have bank accounts in the first place, going back to the topic, my uncle is stubborn, he didn't finish his college because he ends up swallowed by his vices, drinking liquor and gambling is one of his mistakes that needs to be correct, now we just knew that he is a drunkard person but little do we know he already entered the black market which selling drugs, where he was unfortunately caught by cops, he deserved it as he needs to face the consequence and learn from his mistakes, now 8 years later, he was given parol and we saw each other, I'm already matured and in middle of the age'20s, now 2 years later after he regains his freedom, he is caught again for using drugs, now? this could be a life lesson now if he just learned from his mistakes and follow the right path, he can be a better person, now MISTAKES is the greatest teacher we could meet, its just our choice that destroys our future. as of now he is back on bars.