in HiveGhanalast year


The rate of insurgency is increasing in Nigeria, it is getting so alarming to the extent that citizens seek for international aid to intervene. The so-called "Giant of Africa" is becoming a dwarf because of the normalized corruption faced in the country. These two situations stand to be a "brand" of Nigeria - when a foreigner sees a Nigerian, first impression is corruption and slight insurgency. Though we have good people who are representing us well but the bad eggs amongst us are the issue.

This is why if I'm not definitely afraid I would outrightly request for a session in the radio and television station to blast the situation, let everyone hear about it and I will have that opportunity to share my pains as a fellow citizen too.



In Nigeria, we commonly know that "there's freedom of speech" but what we don't know is if there's freedom after speech. This is why I need to be cautious before I end up being locked up in a place I will never see the day for the rest of my life.

To be sincere, the masses seem not to have a say in my country. Currently, over 150 citizens died during the Christmas Eve yet nothing has been said; I got harassed by a policeman in the name of "investigating me" - for crying out loud that I look like a thief and how I looked suspicious to them. After the search, I said I didn't like how they treated me, and immediately I got a slap - till now I can't react to that.

What a country!

Certainly, I know someday Nigeria will get better and our voices will be heard, we will have the full right to correct the government and they will heed to it in love.

In conclusion, the negative perception of Nigeria as a country marred by corruption and insurgency is a concern. I truly wish to speak out about these issues on radio and television but there's a risk associated with exercising freedom of speech. The lack of a voice for the masses and instances of violence and injustice experienced by individuals is out of hand. Despite the current challenges, I'm hopeful that Nigeria will improve, allowing its citizens to have a say in governance and be heard by the government.