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RE: Pictures and Memories

in HiveGhana8 months ago

I have always known you’re a picture person starting from how you use to upload images daily
Ok let’s start from the first one
That picture is old, than God for Facebook sha. Your students will see you and call you anuty
The second one, I remember that one very well. When you said 2022, I was like, so we have been friends for that long. It was ReadCash days I remember

The true people is so beautiful, you look so so adorable. What about that my proposal. Let’s go and meet our king and finalize this thing 😌😌


Hehehe. I just love snapping when I am not busy 😌
The first picture is an old one oo. 2017. That's 7 years ago.
Yea. Readcash brought us together ❤️
Hehehe. Propo..what? My king doesn't like people from same state to marry oo 🤣🤣

My king doesn't like people from same state to marry oo 🤣🤣

This got me laughing so hard. You are saying what the king won't like o