My Love For My Country

in HiveGhanalast year

A country that is blessed among other African nations, got its independence by generals of old who fought the freedom fight, not just that it was named by a prestigious woman. She is bless with fertilie land that has promoted agriculture from old till date, symbolizing natural wealth and peace. It's mineral resources such as crude oil that has become the major source of wealth for the country as well. Indeed Nigeria is a blessed Nation home to about 213 million people, over 500 languages and 200 ethnic groups Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba as it three major languages. The rich cultures, festivals, cuisine, water fall, cave, rocks and beautiful site is one of the many things I love about the country.

Despite all it's odds it still attracted tourists attention for it self bringing them from far and near to witness it's beautiful cultures and festivals among which is the Argungu fishing festival. The festival preserves tradition and promote conservation. One of African biggest fishing celebration, celebrating unity and life. about 50,000 fishermen come to participate in this contest. The four days cultural event takes place in February and marks the end of farming season and beginning of fishing season. It begins with an agricultural show, water sport display, traditional kebbawa entertainments and ends with the spectacular fishing competition in the mata fadan river. The sarkin ruwa in English king of water is the official custodian of the river and without his permission no fish is to be caught . The river serves as source of food and irrigation for farm land in the dry season, it is about 50 meters wide and about 50 feet from the river weigh up to 75 kilograms and the fisherman with the biggest catch wins the contest.

Ogba Ukwu cave Anambra
The ukwa cave is the largest cave in west Africa, with unique and roomy compartments which collectively can accommodate an entire village. It takes a minimum of two hours to explore. The location is on the verge of being listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in Nigeria.other attraction also included a magnificent water fall and a dome.

Zuma Rock, Niger
Have you seen a rock with the face of a human before? If no Then look no further. Zuma rock is a majestic monolith standing at 725 meters above it surroundings. It has a unique face, a natural contour of the human face on one side of the rock which gives it an imposing personality that will leave you speechless and astonished. The history associated to the rock and it's undeniable grandeur earned the Zuma rock it's place on NGN100 bill.
so much to talk about Nigerian and it beautiful site like the agbokim water fall that produces a beautiful blend of the rainbow 🌈 colors during the raining season when the water fall is in its full bloom and the third mainland bridge which is the longest bridge in West Africa.

Aside it beautiful site and cultures, Nigerians are know for their welcoming and resilient spirit, vibrant and friendly energy expressed through diverse creative expressions. Hope you visit soon 😊.

All images are from pixabay



Oh wow I think the zuma rock is something I would love to see
A rock with human face?
I think probably runoff from rainfall over time caused it but I’m still fascinated as to how that happened

I don't think it's runoff from rainfall because from the story we were told about the rock back in the days, late at night it normally cry's out with a human voice so the community did some stuff and it had to stop crying.



Isn’t that scary?