Life Named me "UNLUCKY"

in HiveGhanalast year

"Life rarely works out as planned", this is a quote I stand on in any action I am taking in this life. Life has only shown me its beautiful side once in a blue moon.

Looking back, two to three years ago, I had a lot of plans which never came to fulfillment and my wished status has never been achieved too.

Back two years ago,I was in high school and I had a lot of plans about my after-school life, but not even half of them came true. First, I planned to be the best graduating student in my high school. I tried all I could, read day and night but this was to no avail as I became the second best graduating student of the session in my high school. I strived to be the best as I had a prize to win from school and parents too.

Second, I planned to have the best WAEC result of the year in the state. But this wasn't accomplished, I had a grade of B resulting in 4 A's and 5 B's instead of 5A's and above which would have fetched me half million from my school committee. I felt like life was against me. I saw myself as an unlucky person in terms of life treatment.

Third, I planned that if I had the best result which I didn't, I would use the money given to me by my school board to register for the ACT(American College Test) scholarship exam which costs about a hundred dollars or luckily get a scholarship from the state to complete my tertiary education abroad. But all plans were flattered and shattered. Now I am struggling to study in my state and suffering from poor infrastructure, facilities and strike actions.

Fourth, I planned that I would strive for excellence in my first year in the tertiary institution and expect scholarships for excellent students.Yes, I performed extraordinarily excellent but I can't apply for the available scholarships because I am not an indigene of the state. I could only get such available scholarships if the state I was studying was my state of origin. My state's university doesn't offer the course I am offering so I had to apply for admission in universities that offer such courses outside my state.

Finally, this is the only time I have planned and the plan worked out and changed my status. I had no money at all but I was in great need of money. But I know one of my friends who plays some form of online betting and I planned to give him my last cash to play betting to win a bigger money. He succeeded as the betting game triple of the money and he took one part while I took the remaining two parts. This plan worked out and I was able to pay for a graphics design class which I learned a lot from, and today I make money from what I have learned.

I have experienced more ugly sides of life than the beautiful parts.



You did put in the work on your plans, sadly they didn’t turn out as planned but you’re still young and with the momentum in which you’re moving I bet you’ll get up there in no time.
Keep your head up king.

Thanks Boss
Your words have boosted me a lot

I don’t think you’re unlucky
Everything happens for a reason
I mean the bet part worked right?
At least your friend won and you got something out of it for your classes so don’t name yourself unlucky
You never know what’s in the future.

You are absolutely right
Thanks for giving me hope

You’re welcome

Awwn don't lose hope yet, you can still do it, you are a very bright student and you have potentials. Hmm🤗

Thanks so much for the words of encouragement

Life doesn’t always go as planned, yes. But that doesn’t mean you’re unlucky. Even if you weren’t the best graduating student, you were the third.

You did your best and you didn’t do bad so don’t beat yourself up. One day, everything will fall in its right place. What you are going through now is just a phase, you’ll look back one day and see that you’re in a way better place.

It's unfortunate that things didn't go as planned for you, but that's life. We just have to pick ourselves up and keep going. Eventually things work out.