Finding my feet.

in HiveGhanalast year


To get the best out of an employee, the work place needs to be tension free and this can only be achieved with a moderate proportion of tolerance especially when it's clear the employee is putting in efforts to be better.

At my previous place of employment my employer was very hostile towards me when I first started working there, any little mistake I make he's already yelling. I will be going to his office to submit report like this my heart will be beating fast like it wants to leap out of my chest. I'd feel this pain in my heart that it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, I will be in his presence like this I'm already shaking and fidgeting. It got to an extent I started avoiding him all together.

There was a time I made a big blunder with a report we sent to the US and my employer called my supervisor directly to yell. My supervisor sent me a message and asked I rectify it and drop it off with his secretary. I did rectify it and as I was taking it upstairs my legs were shaking, my hands were sweaty, I was feeling hot and cold at the same time.

I got to the secretary's office, dropped the file off and as I was dashing out to escape, I came face to face with my employer standing at his office door and staring at me, he had already seen me via the cctv and it was foolish of me to think I could escape. I greeted him and doubled my steps passed him. I was literally carrying both legs at the same time and then I heard his voice call out come here.

Ha! I died inside. I'm like my own is finished. I turned and walked slowly with my face down and stood before him. Then he asked me how come I didnt see a mistake that was so glaring? I started stamering and was explaining off point. He would try and be more specific with the questions but I will still be saying what is not in line with the question he's asking. He got tired, breathed in amd asked me to go back to my office.

I felt really bad, I mean I was doing my best why can't I get it right was the question I kept asking myself. After a while I noticed my employer became a bit accomodating towards me. the first time he smiled at me I'm like what's going on? is someone else at my back that he's smiling at? I even had to turn to confirm. My employer actually became concerned and would always ask about my well being. I'm just like ok this is weird what's going on? But then with my employer's change of attitude towards me, I saw my job improve, no more avoidable mistakes and I started working with an open mind and everything was just flowing well such that my employer gave me a congratulations as our mother company abroad had not complained of any of my report.

One day I summoned courage and asked him why the sudden change of attitide towards me? He responded by saying, my errors were becoming too much and he realized he needed to take it easy with me as that's the only way I could work well and actualize my full potentials.


Imagine if he was still being stern towards you
You would have probably be turning your work upside down and making mistakes all the time
I’m glad he finally went easy on you

They would have just sacked me unjustly 😂


I don't think I will last that long in such a workplace. Imagine feeling all shaky and all just because of a mistake. I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been to wake up in the morning and realise I'm still going back to my usual workplace, at that moment there is no way I will feel positive about going to work.

I believe he made the right choice, too much of scolding can lead to unnecessary mistakes.

😂🤣😂 I eventually resigned o because they changed my supervisor and this new one noticed our employer had a soft spot for me so he made life miserable and was always sabotaging my effort.

At least your employer was a bit reasonable, some are Soo bad that they don't care how they make you feel, the fraustation sometimes becomes so unbearable.

I can't cope that long in such environment. I once had an employer who slaps her lower ranking staffs, I resigned the following day when i saw it play out before my eyes

Hahaha, I know you will be wondering why I laughed, my dear I had a boss who would shout and yell at the staff at every slightest mistake coupled with name calling. I was a bit lucky because I rarely get such from him as I always try to deliver at my job.

It's good that your employer had to be accommodating and that helped you carry out your duties well.


😂🤣 I one time had a boss that was slapping the junior employees, before it will get to my turn as part of the executives, I resigned o because me I would slapped her back if she had tried it with me