I’m not a fan of politics in any way and I’m very sure this won’t be the first time I’m even saying this here. But for some reason, I’ve been following the ministerial vetting of nominees. I guess it’s because of the chaos they’ve been causing. For those who don’t know, we just ended a peaceful election so we’re now choosing our ministers.
The first thing that got me shocked were the answers of these nominated ministers anytime they were asked of their properties. Majority of them said they didn’t own any businesses, they were tenants and there was even one who even said his wife takes care of him.
I mean it could be true that your wife takes care of you.
But as a learned person, I believe there were better ways he could have answered this question. Hold on, he could have actually told the truth. The full truth if there was nothing to hide but I guess he doesn’t want people going about asking where he go his wealth or properties. And that only points to one direction; there is a lot to hide, maybe or maybe not. I’m just disappointed that these are the people we’re bringing into power to govern us.
There was this other nominee who couldn’t answer questions directly. They would ask him one thing and he would just be passing through so many corners. Simple questions which demanded simple answers. And when he began answering directly, they were all lies. They asked about his home and he said he was a tenant but we later found out in several interviews that where he claimed to be living wasn’t a place you could rent. You had to own the building to be able to live there.
The funny part about all of this was the fight that broke out during one of the vetting. From what we heard, the majority wanted to vet a nominee while all the minority who were to partake in the exercise weren’t present. So according to the minority, they had to instigate chaos to ensure that vetting doesn’t come off.
When I heard it, I literally bowed my head in shame on their behalf. People leading us had to instigate chaos? Had to? And the fact that they said they only instigated chaos just so they could scrutinize that particular nominee during vetting.
All these makes me genuinely wonder what’s going to happen when the youth takes over government. We are supposed to be better than them but if this is the example they are setting for us, then I don’t even know.