Do you remember the time you had to open your windows and raise your curtains?the time you had to take an afternoon shower because you felt too hot? or that time you had to sit outside for some minutes at night because your room was too hot for a goodnight sleep?
What if I told you, your sins are really catching up with you?and that the continent is really cursed with rise in temperature because of our many sins?
I remember an old lady complaining bitterly in a public transport about how hot the country has become because the youth are sinning so much.This complaint actually started after the radio in the trotro broadcasted that two young men have been arrested for kidnapping a child.
I’m sure you’d say oh she’s an illiterate and that explains why.Trust me, it is partially true. How true?

Welcome to my talk show,Matters of the Environment with our special guest Albert Arnold Gore Jr, the former US Vice President and a Climate advocate. He hosts a Climate Reality Leadership Program to train and educate people around the world on the issues of climate change and how to deal with them.

I’m sure you’re asking yourself why not an African climate advocate .Honestly the first person that came to mind was Joshua Amponsem,a Ghanaian co-founder of Green Africa Youth Organization(GAYO) but regarding issues of climate change, Ghanaians especially the aged do not listen to fellow Ghanaian climate advocates.
They would rather listen to a foreigner. “Arhnn so that’s what the white man was explaining that the country is becoming hotter because of the emissions of gases,deforestation,etc”

As an Environmentalist I have experienced this before whiles explaining to someone what actually the cause of the change in climate is and she made the statement “children of today don’t know anything” until I went to youtube to play a video of Albert Gore. Sad right?
Anyway, all that I would ask him are things I already know but for the sake of Ghanaians who think we’re cursed, I would let him tell us what is really making Ghana hotter.
By the end of the show, you’d remember all your environmental sins;that tree you cut down instead of trimming monthly, that second hand car you’ve been driving for more than 10 years,releasing so much gases into the atmosphere,Oh and that brick pavement you’ve constructed in your yard instead of planting trees and grasses because you won’t have time to water them.
If you’ve realized, the country keeps on becoming hotter and hotter and that’s climate change.
So the old lady is right, our “environmental” sins are catching up with us and until we repent,there will be no change.
Thank you for joining us on “Matters of the Environment”with abenad ,catch us same place, next #Hiveghana weekly engagement activity .