I see money in two ways,the normal money we all know that is used in our daily lives for the purchase of goods and services and the “relationship/marriage money”.From my perspective,money in a marriage is anything invested in the marriage.Talk of the normal money itself, time, sacrifices, attention,making your partner happy,being there for your partner,affirmations and so on.
The good thing about choosing love is that it comes with both the normal money and relationship/marriage money.If your partner loves you, the rest will follow.Your partner will be there for you in your times of need, spend time with you,go to the ends of the world to make you happy, get you gifts(giving you money is even bonus).Do you remember that time you were so much in love with that guy or lady?Do you remember the things you did for him/her? Yes,that’s the power of love.
Let’s say I choose love and choose money too(meaning 50% love and 50%money).That actually would mean I’ve built my relationship on both love and money.What now happens if my partner loses all his money? The 50% money will be replaced with 50% frustrations and then the foundation of the relationship becomes shaky.I’ve heard sad divorce cases where the wife would bitterly complain that the husband was not taking care of the kids and this is coming from a wife who doesn’t even do anything to support her husband and still does not see how hard the man is trying, so then he ends up being an alcoholic(you know the rest).
I asked my mom about this topic and she quickly reminded me of her aunty and uncle who have been married for about 50years.Her aunty was a baker and her husband,a trader. According to my mom,there came a time her uncle couldn’t work anymore, but her aunty still stayed with him and took care of him and their kids.Imagine she was there because of money,she would have left without looking back.
I hear so many ladies wanting to marry rich men to secure their future.In case you’re one I’m sorry to tell you that you could marry a rich man and still be miserable if he doesn’t love you( I know someone would say she’d rather be miserable in money,haha).
I’m saying this again,it’s the power love of that turns a stingy person into a generous partner and encourages a trying partner to work harder to put food on the table.Please don’t go and be with a lazy partner in the name of love,for that one you’re on your own.
Anyway,I’ll end here before my cup of love becomes cold.Thank you for your time.