I love December as a month and festive season but not as the last month of the year. I am so tired of the year teaching everyone a lesson. You pass here and you see “this year taught me…” You pass there and you see the “biggest lesson in this year”.
Some days ago, I was checking my messages from Whatsapp and then I came across people’s status updates. I had a good laugh that day. One of them was from someone who 2023 taught him how to handle money. He didn’t say it as simple as that. He wrote a whole essay about how the year taught him some tricks and hacks about handling money, making money and all. He even said we should watch out for him because he was going to be rich this year.
Honestly I was so happy for him because for the first time someone wasn’t bluffing about what the year taught him. For the first time, this person wasn’t doing that analysis just for views and social media attention. I wanted to screenshot that essay for future reference but I didn’t because it was a private thing for him. Throughout this year, he came forward at the end of every month to talk about what he learned from the month.
At a point, I thought he was even turning into a motivational speaker because that was the direction he was headed. One thing I know is that nobody cares about what you say in private but the moment you say it on social media, you have your virtual family monitoring your life. It happened that I wasn’t the only one curious as to how he impacted his life with what he learned from last year.
So when I came across that whatsapp status that day, I was shocked at first and that sent me into a long laughter. The same person who has been disturbing us to watch out for him and wait for him as he make millions of money was telling us his year of financial breakthrough was left with a month to end. And if we do not come to his financial aid, he’ll have to indulge in illegal things.
I know you’re thinking it wasn’t right to laugh but I couldn’t help myself because he’s been telling us about the “money” he’s been making and all. I really wanted to ask him what happened to the financial tricks 2023 taught him. I wanted to ask him why he’s been pressuring us with all those pictures of money and cars but I didn’t have to because his next status was an apology letter. He said he was sorry for showing us things that didn’t exist in his life, blah blah.
It’s fine to learn from the year. Of course it is a good thing that you didn’t just go through this year, the year went through you. It’s okay but whatever happens but please let us rest. Whatever you’ve learned from the year, make sure it’s genuine and not to pressure or please anyone. You are not alone if you didn’t learn anything ambiguous this year because for me the only thing I learned is that kenkey is better than Milo for breakfast and that is okay too.
Images are mine