Music for life - 1000 vibes power and some mentions of great things we have found on here proving the musical brains!

in Musicforlife 🎶3 months ago

We were luck enough to be in Music for life when it started. As writers and producers who live the words "music for life" to me this seemed like the best group in the world for us! We joined the discord and also started posting some posts on the website sharing some of our music.

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We also wanted to see some of the music other people were posting. We listened to some lovely music by @nickyharvery and then badgered him for stems so we could write songs over some of his cool music. We heard the lovely music of @darrenclaxton and the inspirational music of @crystalcassey. We have also enjoyed seeing what @lyon89 was up to with some great music coming from him. We also found some music and ideas which made us think like @music4peace and his story as well as @ravenmus1c and their open and honest music that is also right up our street! There are loads of great musicians here and maybe in another post I will try and mention them all and I know I should be mentioning more here so I will keep a list!

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Also we have met people who have helped us join in with music like @tygertyger and @dvine and their One Tribe radio show and of course the amazing @jux at @risingstar and his great radio show on a Sunday and the great game that is Rising Star! These events have helped us to feel part of a community and has allowed us to get to know people but also made us feel valued members of a community. Big shout out to @steevec not only for his music but all he is doing to make this a community and also the @hivepizza to all the pizza crew!

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As we are getting to know things on hive we have started getting a few friends on here, one of the other boys started a few weeks ago @stickupmusic and also another one of the boys who does lots of things with us also joined last week @ambrosechappel. We even bought our mum here to make sure we were being good @bellou61 although that is never a certainty!

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Getting to 1000 vibes has not been difficult because getting to 1000 vibes has been by doing the things we love; listening to music, sharing our music and meeting other musicians!

Big Up the music and thanks to Music For life for making it happen!

the Stick Up Boys

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