My Song Selection For Supporting "World Migratory Bird Day" 🦅

in Musicforlife 🎶3 months ago

Earlier Today on our local UK TV News Channel there was a mention that Today is "World Migratory Bird Day"🐦 on the May Holiday Calendar!

So now is the perfect time to give our feathered pets a little treat to eat perhaps. Or maybe just let them fly around your room for a while, and enjoy some freedom from their normal caged environment.

Any Season can be a very difficult time of year for our wild birds. So go fill your Garden "Bird Feeders", and leave them some water to drink or wash in. Be kind to Nature, they all need our help & understanding.

Let's protect our Wildlife! 🐦🦅🦉 We can try our best to help them, as they all gather up their strength ready for Migration.

  • Much more topical information about Today's event can also be obtained from the National Calendar Website [here]

My song choice for Today's event is a really sad song that is full of emotion, and sometimes makes me want to cry when I listen to words. It is sung so beautifully by "Antony and the Johnsons". The song is called "Bird Gerhl" and it makes me think of all the sadness in the World, that so many of us have personally suffered from Covid-19 all through 2020 and now 2021.

So this is my chosen song for the #BlurtMusic Holiday Playlist on this day the (5th May). Just listen to some awesome Music with @BlurtMusic 🎶 on "World Migratory Bird Day" 🐦 Holiday Celebrations.

My Song Selection is: "Bird Gerhl" by the Music Artist ©Antony and the Johnsons.

Above Music Source: YouTube [here]
Below Image Source: National Calendar Website "Screen Shot" from [here]

Screen Shot 2021-05-08 at 20.27.40.png

Many Thanks for listening,
see you all again very soon...