Importance of motivation in the classroom

in Project HOPE3 months ago



Maintaining a high level of motivation in the classroom leads students to show interest in performing the activities assigned in the different subjects showing total willingness to obtain learning for life with dedication and encouragement.

Motivation is what gives us the inner strength to perform the tasks we want to do every day. Therefore that energy keeps us focused and alert to fulfill our purposes; in this case as students would be to learn with optimism in a pleasant way what we want.

In the classroom many times we find teachers who give us good vibes to move forward with our work as students and strengthen our will to move forward, giving us positive energy and the reason to learn continuously in a meaningful way.

To maintain motivation at high levels, the teacher must be able to capture the student's attention, stimulate interest, direct and maintain the student's will to carry out school activities.

It is important to consider that each student is different and has different motivations. Based on this criterion, the teacher must design learning strategies to stimulate and capture the motivation of the child or young person to study the subject being taught.

There are strategies that a teacher must take into account among them we have: Choosing pleasurable activities for the student, varying the activities in the classroom, encouraging responsibility in the student, developing self-esteem, recognizing achievements, developing teamwork, choosing formative evaluation processes, promoting motives to achieve the desired knowledge, among others.

In this sense, it can be said that in order to motivate students it is important to take into account the following processes, such as maintaining curiosity in students, addressing topics they are passionate about, encouraging learning by discovery, making students aware of the usefulness of their learning and using technological means to obtain knowledge in a more interactive way.