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RE: Hivewatchers thinks I'm some guy called Thranax

in Cent3 months ago

I think so, I'll go check it out. I hope things like this don't happen there?


You'll definitely be rewarded better. There is no down vote. If you're proven to be an abuser you'll just be labeled on the front end as one.

See you on the other side.

Are you there so that when I get there I'll mention you. It hurts because I was genuine and it turns out I shared blogs on the worst community on the platform. The owner literally betrayed me to save his ass. After all the blogs to contribute to his community he said I was infecting him. I'll check out blurt, maybe there's a way I can help them grow💪

Sure am but under a different name. yayogerardo. See you there. Tht same account name here is dead and just follows curation trails.

No problem, so tomorrow I'll try a new account and we'll be friends there, I'll transfer my past efforts there instead.

I don't like discord but we have a matrix room with element delegated to blurt that just opened up by the creator of peerhub.

If you have a stem it account before blurt forked from it, then you already have an account. Otherwise I or someone else can set you up with n account for free too.!