I just had a close colleague confide in me. She told me she was depressed because everyone was abandoning her. "Nobody appears to admire or love me" . She spoke.
I saw through her pains and felt very sorry for her.
I can guess that the reason why she thinks people aren't interested in her is because she ain't pretty enough, intelligent, funny or rich.
Well that's a very wrong assumption and I can bet that thousands of people also hold this myopic perception about themselves whenever they become "unlucky " in friendship or relationship.
Personally, I think people walking out of your life could be the best gift they could ever give you, only if you realize it.
Your mental health would improve tremendously when you begin to realize that our happiness lies in changing your attitude towards circumstances and people.

I have always had this belief that true strength comes from within.
In my opinion, anyone who could control his/her emotions no matter how harsh the actions and words of others are, against them is the most powerful person and not the person who could raise a 1000kg car.
Infact, when people realize that you depend on them for your happiness and peace of mind, the more they would disrespect you and even find you disgusting.
There's absolutely nothing wrong in being alone. It's ok if no one messages you. It's still ok if no one asks about your day. Better be that way than to be around people who don't see your value.
Make use of the power of the 4S, Solitude, Singularity, Serenity and Spirituality to recreate your self.
Earnestly work and thrive towards forming a new identity, the one that never bores the crowd.
Instead of spending long hours sulking and lamenting on how no one wants you, why don't you make them "regret" ever abandoning you.

Make them realize that the person that they treated as a "piece of trash " stood back up, invested in herself and transformed into the most admirable butterfly that everyone wants to be with
And when the time comes when they begin to crave for your attention by virtue of your unexpected transformation, don't let them in!
You've got to be aware of your own worth and value. They don't deserve your time anymore niether do they have any space in your life.
It's now your moment and you earned it . You must now enjoy the respect that you have been craving for a long time. And you didn't get it by asking people to love or appreciate you. You earned it by embracing yourself and embarking on a journey of self discovery.
Now you would continue t grow from glory to glory.
Thanks for reading