In life you must be truthful to yourself by knowing your weakness and strength. The only way to make it through life is by knowing your strength and by taking advantage of them.
What are you good at? What are your gifts, talent, skills? Where does your strength lies?
The only way to succeed and live life to the fullest, is your ability to use your gifts, talents and skills to meet the needs of the world. You might be talented, gifted and skilled, but if you are not meeting the world's need, then you not fulfil your potential.
Many focus on their need only, and they wonder why they are not succeeding. You can never be wealthy by focusing on your needs only, things are not done that way.
See yourself as an example, the things are service you pay people for is what they used their gifts, talent and skills to achieve. You payed them because they were able to use what they know how to do best to meet your needs. You paid a teacher because of their knowledge, you paid an entertainer because of his talent, you paid for subscriptions on social media because you want to tap fully from the gifts of others, you pay tailor for their skill of sewinig and designing materials, you pay labourers to come work for you because they know how to make use of their strength.
You also have the ability to develop yourself, make good use of your strength and abilities to meet the needs of others, and you too will also succeed. Your skill, talent and gifts will always be valuable when it is beneficial to others and not yourself. Stop focus on yourself only, also find a way to satisfy others with what you know how to do best.
Self-discipline, self-confidence, self-discovery and self-development is what will help you in the journey of becoming valuable to others.