Spending your money should be for a reason. You had a good reason why you worked hard for your money, there should also be a good reason why you should spend your money.
Your money should be spent accordingly to how important the needs are which is your priority. You need the scale of priorities to spend money and not the scale of preference. Because your wants is driven by your preference, but needs is what drives priorities. There is a big gap between this scales.
Buying designers clothes, eating in an expensive restaurant and spending money on parties are just preferable activities, because there are other alternative. But when it comes to investment, food, housing, transportation, and savings, they are all priorities because you cannot function well without them in your life.
Whenever you receive money for you hard earned work, make sure you budget. And when you budget it should always be in line with your priorities. You must consider your priorities first before any other preference. The main focus of your budget should be on priorities first and after they have all been met, then you go on to consider the appropriate preference for your level.
What has been your budget plan? Has been your priorities first, or preference, or you consider both when making your budget?.
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