Know Your Worth

in Cent6 months ago

The best thing anyone can do for themselves is to know their worth because it makes maneuvering life easier and better. I know people say it is easier said than done but if you've walked or worked with someone who knows how to make one feel less and less important or without value, then you would understand how important it is for us to know how worth first before walking out of the door into the world.

There are many predators outside who are ready to devour and wouldn't mind reducing your self-esteem and self-worth irrespective of where they find you because that is all they know how to do best and want to do but it is easier to maneuver life even when working or walking with such persons.

Predators look for prey, gullible, vulnerable, and naive ones, so they can feed on their ignorance but when they realize that you are no different or lesser than them, they know and have no option but to let go because they've got no option.


They sense, smell, and know their prey's weakest point and weakest moment and would look for any opportunity to make sure that you are vulnerable to them at any given time, so they could feast on your self-esteem and self-worth just for their pleasure.

Many people have been broken too many times because they were vulnerable to this set of people at a particular stage of their lives when they didn't understand what self-worth was all about.

Build yourself, work on yourself, know your self-worth, invest in yourself, cherish yourself, love yourself, care for yourself, and always remember that nobody will love you better than you love yourself. So with this reminder, you get to carry yourself with grace and dignity because you know who you are and what you stand for.

Know your worth and watch people give you respect in your presence and absence.