I am not really sure how bad is the situation out there in another country about journalism, but here in my country it is getting a little bit absurb, sometimes they just don't have empathy. They also love to bring up useless information about celebrities, which have no real use for the common people.
The latest is the news about the departure of one of the comedian because of the health problem that he suffer for the past few years. And we all know, we at least should have a little empathy and sympathy because someone is losing their life, and some of their family is still in grieving periode.
But some stupid journalist decided to bring up their family internal affair to the public just a day after the news of his departure went viral. I mean, can't they just wait for more time, let the saddenst go away before putting their sin for public to the whole nation to see and read?
I know that they only make use of the news and they know what most of the people in the country love to read, whcih is the news about other people life, which has nothing to do with their life. Tehy jsut love to read about the sin of other, without even thinking the sin that they made themselve.
And those heartless journalist know what to do, although it is sad that this is the kidn of journalism that we have now, and those are the things are shoved into or page when we open the internet. sad truth though.