For the last Weekend Ranked, I played this deck that had a slight change from the original deck that I usually play. I did not have a lot of time so I played around 9 games, and I had a 66% Winrate in Diamond Rank, and I was only 3 games away from the Mythic Rank!
Although this deck does not use Dread Maraduers, which are expensive and not suitable for budget decks, this deck still cost a lot because of the Boars. However, they are kind of cheap to rent.
Same like the old deck, this deck uses the Dread set removals + some other great removals from the older set at the early game, uses Winter's Bounty and Ember Oni to heal, and funally uses That Which Feeds Us to win. However, it also doesn't have a relic removal card, though, so it is weak against relic decks.
This deck is currently performing great by having 53% Winrate in Mythic, with a similar Control deck ranking first place by 61% Winrate.
Most of the used cards that I do not use in this deck are expensive such as Dread Marauder and Compost Charm, and this deck would get really expensive...
For this battle we have Olympian Light as the opponent. Olympians could easily get out of control by getting a ton of buffs that would be hard to remove with the removals.
1~2 Mana
I went first, and skipped my turn, and they played Olympian Guard. At turn 2, I used Raid Swarm to remove it and also left a 1/1 ant on board. They removed the ant and played a 0/2.
3 Mana
I could've went with Lash Out, but I played GP instead and waited until a more clear time for it. They played a warded unit.
4 Mana
Since I have the combo of The Dearly Departed and Shine on us All, I played it and stole Argus. I also got a Frontline unit from the delve, which was really good for me. They played Sern and draw some cards.
5 Mana
I used Blood in the Water to clear enemy units except Sern, and played GP. They went really wide with Olympians.
5.5 Mana
Lash Out hit one of the Guardians that gave Ward with afterlife, so I had to trade some of my units. Underbush Boar took down the 1/1 unit.
6 Mana
I was now down to only 21 health, so I tried to clear the board with Crawling Madness, although it would give them a lot of favors. They played an Olympian that got a lot of healthes.
6.5 Mana
I played 2/5 Frontline to stall the enemy until 7 mana, which worked great for me because they went wide, and I had Blood in the Water.
7 Mana
The second one did its work and the board was now cleared again.
7.3 Mana
I cleared the board with my Frontline and Lash out, but I could've also used That Which Feeds Us + GP. Instead, I used Rune of Sight and used GP.
7.6 Mana
Played Lootable Corpse and with the remaining mana, I used Winter's Bounty to heal. They played a really high health unit.
8 Mana
I played Abyss Watcher for Frontline and used That Which Feeds Us to deal 3 damage to the 3/20 Frontline. Unfortunately they used Aegis which made it 20/20. Luckily, it did not went face.
8.25 Mana
Wolfpack is a great Top-deck because it would reset the enemy unit stats, and I also used GP.
8.5 Mana
I used Swishbuckler, only to find out that they played Aegis twice, so I used Path of Nature to get That Which Feeds Us to clear the 4/4 Frontline unit. Because they were out of cards in their hand, they would soon be getting damage, so they conceded. GG!
I went back with playing GU again, but the good 'meta' decks in Gods unchained now are the long Control Light and also long Control/Midrange Nature deck and Control Magic deck, so to win, the game should be dragged long and I don't like that kinds of gameplay in my case, though. However, the game is fun to play even now. Thanks for reading this short post!