NEW TRICK - "Nollie Bs 180 nosegrind"🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]

in SkateHivelast year

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Hello friends how are you?
I've been skating like crazy all these days, it's a shame I couldn't share the videos because my internet went down and I couldn't upload the videos.

Hola, amigos como estan?
He patinado todos estos dias como un loco, lastima que no podia compartir los videos porque mi internet se cayo y no tenia como poder subir los videos.

All these days have been a lot of learning, I have managed to unlock great tricks. So today I'm sharing one of those tricks with you. "Nollie Bs 180 nosegrind" since I saw Carlos Ribeiro doing it I told myself that one day I had to drop it.

Todos estos dias han sido de mucho aprendizaje, he logrado desbloquear trucos geniales. Asi que hoy les comparto uno de esos trucos. "Nollie Bs 180 nosegrind" desde que vi a Carlos Ribeiro haciendolo me dije a mi mismo que algun dia tenia que caerlo.

And here you will see the result, I think I could have done better but the important thing is that I manage to fall it.

Y aqui veran el resultado, creo que pude hacerlo mejor pero lo importante es que logre caerlo.

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This was SO GOOD! Man, so much respect, you did this one so perfect and it's such a hard trick! You're evolving so much brother, you're awesome!

Thanks brother, you're absolutely right, it's an incredible trick. This week I think all the tricks I will share will be new. I'm excited.

Wow that was very good

Thanks friend, there were many hours of training.

oh my god dude. thats incredible

Thanks brother, this week I learned a lot of new tricks.

i wish i could learn tricks so fast like you everyday!!!!! keep going dudeeeee

Everything takes time and progress brother, that is the important thing to enjoy the process of learning each trick.