in SkateHive7 months ago

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Hello friends how are you?
I'm happy to share this video with you today, because I learned to do a trick that I had in mind for a long time, but I had never set myself the task of trying it or learning it, I just had it in my mind and that was it.

Hola, amigos como estan?
Estoy contento de compartirles este video de hoy, porque aprendi hacer un truco que tenia en mente desde hace mucho tiempo, pero nunca me habia puesto la tarea de intentarlo o de aprenderlo, solo lo tenia en la mente y eso era todo.

It took me a few hours to achieve this trick, and I only put in a few attempts, if I put them all in I think the video would become a total bore, so I hope you enjoy the video.

Le meti unas cuantas horas para lograr este truco, y solo les coloque algunos intentos, si coloco todos creo que el video se volveria un fastidio total, asi que espero que disfruten del video.

I am super happy to be able to get this trick for my list, I hope you enjoy the edition

Yo estoy, super contento de poder conseguir este truco para mi lista, espero que disfruten de la edicion

The video was edited with Capcut and the music was chosen from the same program.

El video fue editado con Capcut y la musica fue elegida del mismo programa.

▶️ 3Speak


Quedo increible, creo que puedes intentar Caballerial bs tailslide hermano