It indeed saves more lives.

in The Ink Well2 months ago

I can remember vividly when I just finished my final exams in the higher institution, and the thoughts of me traveling to my uncle's place in search of greener pastures started poking into my head.

I would be in the house and have different thoughts roaming my head on how I would live my life, especially the feeling of perfection and fulfillment. "I forgot there was a word called reality." Who cares about reality when I can create a perfect life for myself in my head?

After a while I was called to travel over to my uncle's place "The excitement on my face was contiguous" I could hear my siblings saying "Take it easy o, this excitement" I didn't care about what they were saying because at some point I could tell it was coming from a place of jealousy "I thought that as well" not entirely true.

With how happy I was that day one would think I was traveling out of the country but unfortunately nope I was traveling to somewhere not too far from my comfort zone "You can imagine" Well I feel that travel is the same thing, for the fact that I left my comfort zone to an entirely different state and environment "it is travel".

I went to the bus station, boarded a transit vehicle, and yay! It was time to take off; despite not going to a very far distance, I was very much ready to explore the sights my eyes would be beholding.

After a very few hours, I finally got to my destination, and I was picked up from the park by my uncle, then we exchanged pleasantries, entered his car, and started driving to his house. He got to his home and was homely welcomed by his wife. She prepared my favorite meal, and I ate to the fullest like there was no tomorrow, more like I ate tomorrow's meal for that same day.

As seconds turned into minutes and minutes to hours, it finally got to the next day and the dawn of a week, and my aunty was about to leave the house after preparing her child for school.

"Good morning, Aunty; where are you going to?" I said, walking out of the room.

"Ooh, I'm going to drop this guy at school, and from there, I'd be going to my shop afterward," my aunt replied.

"Can I come to the shop later?" I asked again.

"Of course, you can," my aunty replied as she walked out the door with her child.

So I went to the shop that day to help her in running some errands. It was time to go pick up her child from school; the first day we went together, which meant she had to lock up her shop. "Yeah," you heard right.

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For some days, we locked up the shop and went together till one fateful day, I asked her to leave the shop open for me to look after till she came back. At some point, she didn't want it because I was new and didn't know the prices of everything inside the shop.

I, on the other hand, assured her that I was gonna look after the shop like it was mine, and after a lot of contemplation, she left the shop in my hands. So, I became the cashier and everything at the moment and started making some sales; it got to a point where I didn't know the price of a thing: "My mind became a kingdom divided against itself." I stood there fighting with my instinct and the price I generated for that particular commodity.

Calling my aunt would make it seem like I didn't know what I was doing, so I sold out the commodity without consulting anyone. When my aunty came back to the shop and asked the number of items I sold, I excitedly told her, and when it slowly got to that particular item, her facial expression changed; at that moment, I knew something was wrong.

When she mentioned the price of that item, I realized I'd made a big blunder on the price, I noticed mine was way lower than the price my aunt mentioned. At first, I thought she was gonna get very angry but then she didn't, all she did was tell me what to do whenever she wasn't in the shop.

It is better to call and make inquiries than base our minds on guesswork, "so she said," A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE LIVES.

Thanks for reading 🧡



Your aunty is right, we need to always ask questions on things am that are not clear to us. That way we would make fewer mistakes.

Thank you for sharing.

Yeah, she is. I would have asked, and it wouldn't have resulted in that.

Thanks for stopping

I think there was an excitement in you, that makes you tell her that she should leave the shop open for you but at the same, you should have done yourself good to ask her for the price of some of the items you don't know so that you can receive complete praise from her

The excitement that made me sell something lesser 😆 🤣 well, I was excited. I won't lie, though.

Thanks for stopping by

Next time you have to ask before attending to customers since you did not know about the price of the goods she was selling. All thanks to God that she did not yell at you. It means she's a good aunty.

Yeah. That would save me money and time as well.

Thanks for your nice comment.