At last I found myself [ENG][ESP]

in The Ink Well3 months ago

Image in pixabay by PublicDomainPictures

I remember as if it were yesterday the feeling I had of complete freedom, I could come and go and as they say over there

"eat the world".

I can't believe that your whole life changes from one moment to the next, those words of the doctor when she told me

"you are going to have a baby".

My reaction at the time was to feel a lot of fear, that fear was transformed little by little into longing and that is how my son became my reason for living.

Going out at night, going for daily walks, sharing with my friends, all that for the moment took a second place, as my mother says

"that is what is expected of a woman when she becomes a mother".

I have to confess that I allowed everyone to have an opinion about what was best for me being pregnant or being a mother. Many things I did I did not do because I chose to, but because it was the normal thing for all the women around me to do.

Once, when I was 4 months pregnant I asked my gynecologist if I could dye my hair, his answer was

"Yes you can, but I will give you certain indications and specifications so you can do it".

I got excited because it is no secret that in pregnancy we can feel ugly, uncomfortable and if there is something, even if it is a small thing to change, we try.

That same day I told my friend Rosa while we were having lunch in a very busy place

"I'm very happy, I'm going to show you the color I chose to dye my hair, the doctor already said yes".

Rosa was alarmed and raised her voice in displeasure

"it's very inconsiderate of you to do that, although the doctor says otherwise it's dangerous, it seems you don't want that baby".

I can't deny that those words made me feel guilty and some people nearby made comments about things that happened to acquaintances of theirs for dyeing their hair. Of course, after that I decided not to dye my hair.

For a long time I let myself go and let others decide what was good or not good for me, for the sake of not doing things wrong. But when my son turned 2 years old I didn't recognize myself anymore, I lost myself. I could not even say what my favorite food was, read a book or a story, which was my passion before, but everyone said that as a mother I should stop wasting my time, so I did not read anymore, I did not leave the house either, I thought

"here I am better away from criticism and comments from people".

The only place where I went out was to the market on Sundays and however on the way there was a neighbor Doña Lucia, who was waiting for me to pass by as usual to give me in her concept, a good advice on how to take care of my son, she said things like

"you take him very warm, go out later so he does not take so much sun, you put some repellent for mosquitoes, surely you have not given him water, and many more".

It is exhausting to want to please everyone, I felt that I could not do it anymore, my life was only from Monday to Saturday to be at home taking care of my son and keeping the house and on Sunday to go out to the market, almost without talking about how tired I was not to be judged as someone who does not love her son.

When my son turned 2 years and 2 months old something in me made me feel different, I flatly refused to let my voice go out, I wanted to make an effort, to feel that I was free again, free from criticism, free from monotony, free from boredom.

A child is a blessing that makes you happy, I could not continue to allow people to hurt me with their way of thinking,

"I manage my life, and it does not make me a bad mother to do things as I think and not as others say".

So I removed the cobwebs from my life and started living again. Not like before I was a mom, but a better version, I look for the way that in every space, every thought and every moment of my life to do the best I can so that both my son and I, are happy and feel free, free from any criticism and any reproach.

I started to read again, sleep a little more, my house is no longer perfectly clean at all times, because I decided to play a little more with my son or just sleep. Any time is a good time for a walk, the best thing is that I have the best company and I never feel alone.

The worst mistake we can make with a new mom is to judge all her actions, not letting her live her stage, it is true that when you become a mom you start to change and you are not the same, but the environment around you will depend on how you adapt to your new life. The truth is that it may take months or years as it happened to me, but my best version appeared when I understood that I should not live to please others, only myself and that little person who tells me

"you know I love you, mom".

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Publication originally written in Spanish and translated into Spanish by translator Deepl.


Al fin me encontré

Imagen en pixabay por PublicDomainPictures

Recuerdo como si fuera ayer el sentimiento que tenía de libertad plena, podía ir y venir y como dicen por allí

"comerme el mundo".

No puedo creer que toda tu vida cambie de un momento a otro, esas palabras de la doctora cuando me dijo

"vas a tener un bebé".

Mi reacción del momento fue sentir mucho miedo, ese miedo se fue transformando poco a poco en anhelo y así fue como se convirtió mi hijo en mi razón de vivir.

Las salidas en la noche, los paseos diarios, el compartir con mis amigas todo eso de momento pasó a un segundo lugar, como dice mi madre

"eso es lo que se espera de una mujer cuando se convierte en mamá".

Tengo que confesar que permití que todos opinaran de lo que era mejor para mi estando embarazada o siendo madre. Muchas cosas que hice no las hice porque lo decidí así, sino porque era lo normal para todas las mujeres que me rodeaban.

En una oportunidad, tenía 4 meses de embarazo le pregunté a mi ginecólogo si podría teñirme el cabello, su respuesta fue

"Si puedes, pero te voy a dar ciertas indicaciones y especificaciones para que lo puedas hacer".

Me emocioné porque para nadie es secreto que en el embarazo podemos sentirnos feas, incómodas y si existe algo, aunque sea una pequeña cosa para cambiar, lo intentamos.

Ese mismo día le dije a mi amiga Rosa mientras almorzabamos en un lugar muy concurrido

"estoy muy feliz, te voy a mostrar el color que elegí para teñir mi cabello, ya la doctora me dijo que si".

Rosa se alarmó y levantó su voz con desagrado

"es muy desconsiderado de tu parte hacer eso, aunque la doctora diga lo contrario eso es peligroso, parece que no quisieras a ese bebé".

No puedo negar que esas palabras me hicieron sentir culpable y algunas personas que estaban cerca hicieron comentarios de cosas que le sucedieron a conocidas de ellas por teñirse el cabello. Por supuesto, luego de eso decidí no teñir mi cabello.

Durante mucho tiempo me dejé llevar y que los demás decidieran lo que era bueno o no para mí, por no hacer las cosas mal. Pero cuando mi hijo cumplió 2 años ya no me reconocí más, me perdí a mi misma. No podía ni decir cual era mi comida favorita, leer un libro o una historia, lo cual era mi pasión antes, pero todos decían que como madre ya debería dejar de perder el tiempo, así que ya no leía, tampoco salía de casa pensaba

"aquí estoy mejor lejos de las críticas y comentarios de las personas".

El único lugar adonde salía era al mercado los domingos y sin embargo de camino había una vecina Doña Lucía, que esperaba que como de costumbre yo pasara para darme en su concepto, un buen consejo de como atender a mi hijo decia cosas como

"lo llevas muy abrigado, sal más tarde para que no lleve tanto sol, le colocaste algún repelente para los mosquitos, seguramente no le has dado agua, y muchas mas".

Es agotador querer complacer a todos, sentía que ya no podía más, mi vida solo era de lunes a sábado estar en casa atendiendo a mi hijo y manteniendo la casa y el domingo salir al mercado, casi sin hablar de lo cansada que estaba para no ser juzgada como alguien que no quiere a su hijo.

Cuando mi hijo cumplió 2 años y 2 meses algo en mi me hizo sentir diferente, me negué rotundamente a que se apagara mi voz, me quería esforzar, sentir que era libre de nuevo, libre de las críticas, libre de la monotonía, libre del aburrimiento.

Un hijo es una bendición que te hace feliz, no podía seguir permitiendo que las personas me hicieran daño con su forma de pensar,

"mi vida la manejo yo, y no me vuelve mala madre hacer las cosas como las creo yo y no como lo dicen los demás".

Así que quité las telarañas de mi vida y comencé a vivir de nuevo. No como antes de que fuera mamá, sino una mejor versión, busco la manera de que en cada espacio, cada pensamiento y cada momento de mi vida hacer lo mejor que puedo para que tanto mi hijo como yo, seamos felices y nos sintamos libres, libres de cualquier crítica y cualquier reproche.

Comencé a leer de nuevo, dormir un poco más, mi casa ya no está perfectamente limpia en todo momento, porque decidí jugar un rato más con mi hijo o simplemente dormir. Cualquier momento es bueno para dar un paseo, lo mejor es que cuento con la mejor compañía y nunca me siento sola.

El peor error que podemos cometer con una mamá primeriza es juzgar todas sus acciones, no dejar que viva su etapa, es cierto cuando te vas a convertir en mamá comienzas a cambiar y no vuelves a ser la misma, pero del entorno que te rodea dependerá que te adaptes a tu nueva vida. Lo cierto es que puede ser en meses o en años como me pasó a mi, pero mi mejor versión apareció cuando entendí que no debía vivir para agradar a los demás solo a mí misma y a esa pequeña personita que me dice

"tú sabes que te amo, mamá".

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Publicación escrita originalmente en español y traducida en traductor Deepl.


Living according to the opinion and expectations of others is like living in a prison. It's good you were able to free yourself and follow your own path. After all it's you that will bear the consequences of your decision. I understand the fear you felt at the time of pregnancy not to get it wrong so you felt compelled to follow the opinions of others. It's best to only follow the opinion of professionals in such cases.

Thanks for writing and have a nice day.

It is certainly as you describe, it is like being in a prison, the advantage is that you are the jailer and it is up to you to use the key to free yourself, it is a process of adaptation and acceptance. I would say that more than feeling pressure, it was more not wanting to fail and end up recriminating some actions, but certainly the important thing is not to act because of what they tell you, but because you evaluate your environment, the possible consequences and the experience of others, at the end of the day, the stories may look alike, but each one is unique. Thanks for your time in reading and nice comment, I found it very complete. Regards

I am glad you found out early that this idea of picking an opinion from all people or seeking validation from people can be very deadly. It has ended a marriage I know so well.

Knowledge in itself is a liberation and I am glad you recognized it early
Happy Parenting

I appreciate your comment, and I am very sorry that by not channeling the issues, that marriage has had terrible consequences. I could not allow myself to stagnate and not move forward, it was not only my situation that was at stake, but also my son's upbringing and future. Greetings.

I had a very similar experience when my children were young. All around me were judgmental, watchful eyes. People never think twice about telling a woman how to raise her own child, as if she hasn't got one good brain cell or any common sense. I'm so glad you decided to stop listening to them and instead to enjoy being a mother and believe in yourself!

You are right people are not empathetic, sometimes they are reckless, you describe very well how they sometimes made me feel, thank you I have managed to have control and enjoy my motherhood. It comforts me to know that just like you, I am not exaggerating. Thank you for your nice comment

People think they can tell us how to live our lives and they can drive us crazy if we start listening to them. I imagine it was a difficult process, But luckily you decided to do what was best for you and your baby by turning a deaf ear to certain criticisms.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.

In a way, I have turned a deaf ear, but I prefer to say that I listen to everything, analyze the situation, extract what is good and what can harm me I leave aside, but I still appreciate the opinions, although also where I live there is a popular saying, which says: "listen to the crazy and follow the current so they believe you normal". Thanks for your time and comments.

Living under the expections of others can be indeed suffocating. I'm you broke free and got your freedom

If it's suffocating, I check, that's why it's important to break free. Thank you for your understanding and comment