"a blanket pinned to the earth with a million stitches." WOW!!!
"Another monsoon had finally passed and with it the insistent thrumming of water on the roof, on the walls, on the road. " Had a question about this sentence. Did you mean the season had passed? Or that the rain shower had passed? If it is the former then the sentence is right but if it is the latter I feel we cannot use monsoon. Maybe we need to substitute it by a thunderstorm, or just a storm. Monsoon is typically indicative of the entire wet season and the associate winds that blow in during the season.
Loved the story. My eyes kept skipping words today, a bit under the weather. So I used the listen function while reading and it was fun and good. I was getting involved in the story smoothly, but then that end - woah.
! [Hidden Spoiler Text] Let me tell you - that is my nightmare right there. The need for "I have no mouth and I want to scream"
Great post as I curate it as a #dreemerforlife from #dreemerport