in Weekend Experiences11 months ago


Amazing day to you all it's my first time of posting into this community so today I want to throw it back to my last weekend experience on Sunday, I was fortunate to be among the celestial parish student parish of my school so every student parish executive have each generation and they name their generation in every of there tenor. as at last week Sunday we did the naming of generation and we welcome all newly admitted student to campus and church as a whole. we did a lot of things to put a smile on their face, last week Friday which was their matric we rented a very sounding engine and we sang and danced joyously.


Every celestial student member knows that we celebrate naming of generation and on this great day we do have a lot of activities like Bible quiz, drawing of sword and many other stuff, we did a welcoming cake to welcome all members and all the executive where putting on their tags just to differentiate them from other members. in student church we don't discrimination yourself we are one just that it's headed by we student.


It's really a weekend experience for me I actually taught it won't come to an end cause it was full of fun and amazing moments with my loved ones which we have last seen for long it's really a weekend experience for me.