WEEK #217 | How old would I like to live and what do I consider in my life to be an eleven out of ten?

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago (edited)

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Hello friends of the Weekend Experiences community, I hope you are well today. Today I wanted to join the topic of the week #217 where @galenkp invites us to answer some questions of which I have chosen the two that I found most interesting so I invite you to join and answer all the questions you like the most. ☺️


Is there anything you'd rate as eleven out of ten? What is it and why? (You can name and explain up to three things.)


There is something that I feel that all human beings take for granted and that is to be able to have health, in my country to cover any health treatment is extremely expensive and in some cases you can not even do it because it is unthinkable the amount of money you would need to be well, in my case there was a time when I was in psychological therapy unfortunately I could not continue but it was one of the best decisions I could make, I feel that if I had not taken that step for my health then I would not be here. And it is something that sounds disturbing but without the help of the medication that helped me to stabilize myself since I needed it I would not have been able to get out of the hole I was in with my own strength, for some people it is a taboo subject that generates fear and a lot of shame because when people hear something that has to do with mental health they feel uncomfortable and prefer to avoid the subject rather than try to understand the other person's situation. In my case my mom and my siblings were always close to help me feel better and that I could see that beyond being an intelligent and empathetic person I also have feelings like everyone else but in my case required additional help to be able to lead a calm and stable life. I am fortunate and that is something I would rate an 11 out of 10 because I can take care of my mental health when many people have to go through very hard times without the support and help of their families and with society turning its back on them while they are in a state of vulnerability that anyone regardless of their social class could go through and I am very grateful that I can have this help every day.


To what age would you like to live and why? Have you got plans in place to ensure you make it physically and can sustain yourself financially? - Use your own photos.


Actually since I was very young I have thought that I am not afraid of getting old but I am afraid of doing it and requiring special care where I can not fend for myself, my grandmother always said that she did not want to live her old age sick and I think the same as her. I am a person who fortunately almost never gets sick but I think that if I reach 60 years old it would be enough for me, I do not think I need to live much longer since I believe that living that amount of years is enough to be able to do what I love, share with my family and to take from this life all the lessons I have learned since now which have been many, from understanding that even though we are all human sometimes we harm each other and hurt someone no matter what others may feel. I would like to be able to live until the day when young people can live a life where they don't feel judged or humiliated by others and can realize their dreams and live from them. It would be beautiful to be able to see my siblings grow old and remember all the moments we have lived through that have made us inseparable. If I had only one chance to live I would choose this life again, the same parents and the same siblings, despite the difficult times I have been through but remembering all the good things that life has given me, I wish I could live until my body decides that enough is enough.


Thanks for making it to the end of this post, I hope you liked it and I appreciate your support and your comments, I send you a big hug 🤗

All the text in this publication is my own.

The images were edited with the free version of Canva.

The translation of the text was made with the free version of Deepl



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I like your point about how grateful you are about mental health, it's definitely a hard thing to talk about and I'm glad to read that you've been able to overcome it and that your family has been a great support to you. I have been through something similar, and it has been a great lesson in life. Sending you love! ✨

(by the way, remember that the community only accepts text in English and I have read some sentences in Spanish that I'm sure you forgot to delete🙂)

Hi, thanks for the recommendation I already edited the post 🙈.
Thanks also for taking the time to read my post, mental health is still a social stigma but I am thankful to have supportive people 🧡
Have a nice day!


I thought your post was great, and it's a lot of things you say that have happened to me and sometimes I haven't known how to put into words. It is a daily struggle, but we carry the monster inside us and we just have to learn to tame it and feed it better. I wish that everything gets better and we have better quality mental health in our cases, it is not easy to achieve, but it will be worth every attempt!

Thank you 🫂
I really appreciate your kind words ❤️