As the days go by so fast, it's as if time wants to pass so quickly, it doesn't want to give us a chance to do great things...
Good weekend, my dear friends, we are here again, looking for inspiration, with these topics that our good friend @galenkp brings us, no doubt it makes us think, and investigate a little, in our lives, what we have lived, or dream to live.
I have always said that I am a dreamer, I like to imagine things I would like to live, places where I could be, enjoy, change environment, I always tell my friends, that my biggest dream is to travel, to travel the world, starting of course by my country, visiting each state, city, and then explore abroad.
Would I move to another country for love? Honestly, I don't know, sometimes I think so, but other times, it has to be someone who shows me that it's worth it, and so far, it hasn't happened, on the contrary, I have been disappointed, and quite a lot, so that's where my doubts come from.
But to go to another country, if I wanted to, to know, to visit, to enjoy all those touristic, modern, elegant, visionary places, I would love to visit every beach of all those European countries, my dream has always been to go to Spain, I do not know why, in fact I have a friend there (that's another story haha), and well, I do not remember since when I have had this dream, but I know that for a long time, that has been my desire.
As I said, I am a dreamer person, and although time has played against me, and these dreams are becoming more and more distant, I still keep them, there, with a little illusion, that someday it will materialize, you never know, everything is possible right?
Not all of us were born for love, some of us have other purposes, I am still looking for mine, trying to understand what I came to this world is the truth.😜
I like to share these lines with you, maybe I will find someone who understands me or goes through the same as me, we are here to support and understand each other, life has its good moments, and others, not so much, it is time to move forward, step by step, no more.
Well, my friends, I say goodbye to you, the photos I leave you, some of them were shared by my friend, and others by me.
We will continue reading....