Hello my online friends,
It was a very nice and sunny day here, as unseal should I say, and I wanted to go for a walk.
I took a path that was running along the "rambla" of the city of El Ejido Spain.
This is a empty space between the greenhouses and the city.
It has a spectacular view of the mountains. And I love that because we don't have that in the Netherlands.
One of the buildings next to green area is this one. I first tough it was a prison but it is a school.
Look at this concrete base of the electricity pole. They mad a phone booth out of it. I love street art like this.
And in the distance I saw a very big mural appearing. It was an awesome one but I will keep those pictures for the next CCCstreetart contest.
This city has got many kins of street art. Like this gardening company. I love that he put up a mural like this to advertise his company. This looks way better then just a sign next to a door.
But I do like this electromecanica sign. It looks like it is n abandon building but its not, it's still used as storage for a shop in town.
In the middle of the city they build this big high rise apartment complex. I think it doesn't fit completely here in this town.
But it has got a nice facade on the outside.
The last part of the walk I walked trough the city center. I will bet you that this grow shop is not liked much by the christian community.
And this stood out to. Now idea what kind of store this is. Maybe it was a theather or sime thing like that. Maybe a music store.
Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Travelfeed profile!
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