it okay to want to breathe?Weekend commitment.Week-240.

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago


⚠️ Spoiler Alert: Some humans will be in bikinis, except me...well, maybe me too.😅

Most of my weekends are savage, literally savage. Friday arrives and I have already scheduled the time to break my bones working on domestic tasks, and other in which I make extra money depending on the orders that accumulate during the week.

So, I don't have many free moments, because my life goes away during the week working outside the home, and on the weekend in other activities that also contribute to my economy, along with the interior order of my house... But, I can't be like this forever.

This is my entry to participate in the weekend commitment offered by @galenkp:
Do you work on the weekend? What would you rather be doing instead and why? Use your own photos.

I like work, especially that which allows me to indulge in certain pleasures that are not at all significant in the first world, but for us, it is something out of the ordinary, which is why it is difficult for me to stop working a little to be able to have more freedom on weekends.

So, since I am a normal and ordinary person, I would love to be able to finish work on Friday -and after leaving-, meet with some friends from the University to go to a nice place to have a martini, remember old times, and dance wildly to music of our time, maybe I can do it, but my friends all went to live somewhere else, and I was left alone here.






But I have a lot of things left to do, and I have very good people in my social circle for it... and we just want to have as much fun as we can as soon as we can, that's something I would like to have more frequently on the weekends: go all out a group of people from work for trips and excursions... believe me it is an amazing experience.

I am not one to hang out in groups, but I have absolute confidence in people who, when they are sharing, take care of each other with great zeal, and that is vital for me.




So if I didn't have to work so much, I would schedule more trips on the weekends to a beach called Cayo Jutía, which is located on the northern coast of Pinar del Río, part of the keys of the Los Colorados archipelago, and which is a place that has nothing to envy of Varadero in quality of beach, sand, and landscapes.

People who know me know that I love the sea, so it is one of my favorite places to recharge my batteries while I bathe in the sun and saltpeter...maybe you like the sauna, but for me there is no better natural exfoliant than the blessed sea.

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There is also the fact that I have very fond memories of that place, first of all, because it was the first beach that my baby Chloe saw: watching her run happily after everyone, getting muddy with sand chasing a small crab, and pretending that she could run after me entering the sea and then running away in terror because she hates water like cats, it truly was quite a show...😂




Walking and taking photos of everyone together, dancing along the shore, going into the sea to chat about life, sunbathing like children because we were sharing sunscreen, eating, drinking, having fun for nothing... is my best way to thank life, without life having given me much more than what I have.







Likewise, as a native of Pinar del Río, I would like to visit the Viñales Valley more on the weekends located in the Sierra de los Órganos, there are things that I have not done there, there is a cave system that I would love to explore with your caving team. ...maybe I will discover a treasure that the owner of a coffee plantation hid during the time of the Spanish colony...😅... although I also think the probabilities would be very low.


I also love concerts, maybe if there were a good singer or group that scheduled their performances on weekends, I would dare to get out of my shell. I remember when I was studying in Havana, a few years ago, a pop rock group that I loved performed at the university, and I dragged my roommate there so that we would be the most enthusiastic of their fans that night.The next day I was totally hoarse and haggard, but with incredible energy and a glow of satisfaction in my eyes...😎



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Do you see how many exciting things I want to do with my weekends?

Maybe, if they let me one day, I would build a little house facing the sea - please don't tell me that on the southern beaches -... I say a decent sea, with crystal sand that dazzles your eyes whit the reflection of the sun... like a shipwrecked man that hugs the shore after a few horrible hours in the storm, and who finds the Oasis of his life that he thought was lost.


I shouldn't take the weekends so much to heart, because in the end, what I don't do on Saturday and Sunday will be the responsibility of another day, but between obligations and priorities, there is the need for human beings to disconnect their minds to relax the nerves that are tense during daily life, during the accumulated problems, during the desire to chase money, during the desire to have a perfectly tidy and clean house, and during the moment when you when you just need to leave the house and breathe.

Always very grateful for your reading.

The text is entirely my own
All photos are my property
Using the Lightroom application, free version
Translation done with Deep Translate, free version.

y que más da ser preciosamente imperfectos...png


Fue muy divertido lo que hiciste. Escapaste del trabajo y te llenaste de energía con los amigos y el paisaje. Gracias por compartir.

It is a blessing to have good colleagues at work to share, especially well educated and intelligent young people....pero, they also emigrated...this post is a tribute to all of them because they are missed a lot...even some of the pictures they themselves forwarded them to me because I saved them, and I don't remember where I put them, and I was annoyed with myself...😅

What things no?

Happy Sunday 🌹🌹

I understand perfectly the issue of working weekends, you know? when you are self-employed... there is no time, there is no day hahaha there is nothing, I have spent it and many times I spend it, I reserve some time, but it is not a full day. So I want that beach house plan too, to wake up and see the sea... that's one of my dreams, a house far away... lonely... the sound of the sea and me!

So, you never rest, but you have to do least one day, once...I know that.

And how is your mother's foot, have you been able to get her to rest?
I imagine you are a bit overloaded with all this, but it's just a stage....

Thank you, you are always such a sweetheart.


These days I'm very exhausted because of that... but it seems to be going well, although slow... I usually rest more on Sundays hahaha today I can't hahaha I hope the next one will. Hugs!!!😃

I hope you make it...



I love everything you want to do.... (and you will, but you need to get organised, haha).

The house in front of the sea you shouldn't build it so close that in bad weather like we have here you can lose it. I don't know, it's just an idea... for you to evaluate it.

Chloe. What a cute little dog. I could picture the whole scene.

Above all that, to organize myself... hahaha... literally....
If you see me right now I'm with everything on order, 😜...except with the candy, it got postponed because the actress had a figurative mishap...😌

The little house in the sea should be a few meters from the shore..... that way it's more tasteful as long as the weather is nice...that sea air at night is spectacular.



Life would be so beautiful with a house in front of the sea 🥰....especially if it is not in Bailen or Boca de Galafre 🤣. Visualize and manifest and don't stop fighting for your dream!!!! That cavern system you would like to visit in search of treasure we have already visited...we didn't find a single coin, but the route is indeed a treasure!!!! Cayo jutía es un paraíso!! Un abrazo 🤗

¡¡¡¡At last a person who knows what I'm talking about!!!!
Girl, Cuban style, you really sound.
What a way to laugh with your comment, you read me very well all my wishes, the problem is that most did not understand them...😌....
So, there won't be even a coin? 😬 Will it be worth the trip through the caves?
I'm not talking about the little cave of El Indio...but the caves of Santo Tomas...😶
The little house on the beach can be humble, no big luxuries, but don't let anyone disturb our peace of mind over there...😜
Nice to see you here...did you post on this engagement? I'll check it out.


Of course...the great cavern of Santo Tomás, what else could it be!!!

Linda semana 🤗

What a wonderfull sorprise!!

Friend nice pictures, nothing like enjoying with friends and getting out of the daily routine. Good for you. It looks like you had a great time. Happy day and many blessings.