Humpday is the clarion call of the wage slave but the #web3 ones take some time to walk and post for #wednesdaywalk. Championed by our friend @tattoodjay and the Make me Smile Collaboration challenge lead by @elizacheng, this is for everyone.
This week, I get my big "I TOLD YOU SO" with one last smack in the face by winter.

Finally Spring?

This is where we were last week at this time. Sunny and soggy 16 celsius with many putting away their shovels and getting the snow tires off the car.
This week, from that exact spot, a whole different story. Snow is back and temperatures dipped down to -16 with the wind chill overnight. I think me giving @davedickeyyall a hard time about giving me a hard time about snow has been turned back on me again as that morning bowler is in shorts right now.

Let's Head Downtown
Perfect weather for a leisurely walk downtown right? As you can see in the view from our office looking towards city hall, I am the only onw who thinks that way. Cab driver is probably bored and enjoying a premature #beersaturday in the pub there.
In the square, the vibrant chairs on which to lounge when the weather is nicer are stowed and stacked for warmer days perhaps just on the horizon. Not that much snow accumulating but sure doesn't feel like the first day of spring!
The court house looks like it is still bundled up in a midwinter day but there is a splash of blue in the sky! The flag is at half mast because of a dead prime minister from an era past.
Headed a few blocks away for some taxi duty with the kids, the flags there also low in recognition of the passing. Looks like those blue skies have returned. Or have they...
NOPE! Before my pickup is even complete, the wind and snow blow in right where they left of 20 minutes earlier. Makes me happy I am in the car for this section of the Weds Walk.

Dog Wars!
Right when I think I may be done for the day, I gotta look at this face. How could I stay comfy at home when he hasn't had the chance to run free, be a dog, and get as snowy and slushy as possible at Dog Wars? Thinking I am going to be the only one fool enough to freeze his arse off in the blowing snow in the middle of a field, I owe it to him
The weather is not actually that bad at this point with some thinning in the clouds again and a drop in the wind. Doesn't look like it here but there are a couple other dog lovers in the park braving the elements so they can reward their good boy or girl. Some dogs don't like the nasty weather, this one couldn't care less and will give a shit no matter what it is like out there.

Besides, who else is going to make sure those pesky mallards don't move in to the stream in the park?

Home Again
Back in my curation chair, it is actually piling up a little outside. Supposed to do this til the weekend so I may have to get the shovel out! Either way, happy to have gotten a few thousand steps in, enjoy the dying throes of winter, and rock a bunch of snowy adventure into a #wednesdaywalk post once again this week.

A little snow can't stop me!
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