Hello Hello,
Welcome back from my new blockchain gaming post. How is it going guys? Is everything OK? I hope everything is fine. Today is Saturday, what are you doing? Are you playing the Moon Karts game? I'm free on weekends, so I'm free all day today, Saturday. So in the morning I planted trees with my dad and in the afternoon I played the Moon karts game. Yesterday I told you about buying cards in the Moon Karts game. Today I will tell you about the end of the season in the Moon Karts game and a secret. Let's get started.
Moon karts game gives leaderboard rewards to all players who play every 10 days after the season ends. The rewards are Colony tokens. Actually, season 19 ended yesterday. I was not able to play yesterday, so I claimed the season 19 rewards today. Season 19 is my third season. I started playing the Moon karts game in season 17.
I don't play other games every day, but I play Moon karts every day. This game is interesting and fun to play. For those who have never played video games on a computer, it can be a bit difficult to control the car when playing matches. However, after playing a couple of matches, you will get used to it. It will soon be possible to play on mobile phones, so it will be even easier.
In the Moon Karts game, the more you invest, the more you get. The more cards you invest, the more fuel you get. The more tokens you invest, the more rewards you get at the end of the season. About 4 days ago, I staked all the colony tokens I earned in seasons 17 and 18. So this time, at the end of season 19, I earned more colony tokens than I did in previous seasons.
In Season-17, we receive rewards on both the orbital leaderboard and ranked leaderboard. Ranked 16th on the orbital leaderboard and won 28 colonies. In ranked leaderboard winnings, I was placed 11st and earned 3824 colonies. This time I got 3824 colonies from the season 19 end reward. I'm thinking of staking the colonies I won in season 19 the next day. Season 20 has now begun. So in season 20, I will try to get better rewards and numbers.That's all for today. Have a nice weekend.
@winelay 🍇