Handling Your Finances Efficiently

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog at this hour. The year has started again and we are all back to the hustle and bustle of making our daily needs met. However, it is inevitable to come across challenges that will seem like breaking us on a daily basis. These challenges may differ from person to persons irrespective of age, class or status. For instance, a person may be stressed out working as a cab driver and on the flip side of the coin, another person's hobby is driving - he or she can drive all day without getting tired.


One of the common kind of challenge that people face in today's world is financial challenge. We leave our homes on a daily basis in order to work and earn some money - either a daily, weekly or monthly earner - and in cases when we are unable to make enough to cater for our needs it starts to become a challenge. These challenges may start to affect the way you relate to your family and friends.

This may lead to avoiding discussions that is money related with spouse, kids or friends. It is during this phase that arguments and fight will be the order of the day in most homes. It may also lead to your heart skipping when the thoughts of paying rent or other bills come to mind. On the extreme, it can lead to health issues such as insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, incessant headaches, etc.


The title of the Head of the House is attributed to men, hence, they are saddled with the responsibility of providing for their family and failure to do so may be unpleasant. This is the reason that financial stress is common in men than women. In a family where the wife is not supportive/understanding, the man will be overwhelmed by the responsibilities on his shoulders which may make him look older than his age and vice versa if the woman is the breadwinner of the family.

Financial stress can be deadly to the extent that it can lead to depression and death. Money is important to us as humans. It is the means of exchange for the beautiful things of life and on the other hand the lack of it can lead to inferiority complex among one's peers. There are stories of people who committed suicide because they couldn't afford to pay their school fees to further their education. Some have been subjected to ridicule among friends because they couldn't make contributions towards a particular project.


Do you know that it is not everyone that is sick that actually have a health challenge? Some sickness does not need medication, all it needs is food. It is lack of money to buy food that resulted into that 'sickness'. When it gets to the point that a person is running out of funds, the brain starts thinking and calculating on how to make more money. However, this challenge must be handled in the best way possible to avoid causing health breakdown.

Money is that one thing in life that doesn't satisfy humans. Wonder why millionaires and billionaires still work hard every day? You've got tour answer. Therefore, the rich folks around the world also go through financial challenges but it may not be as demanding as that of average people. On a lighter note, there is a story of a rich man and poor man that went to pray in a church for their needs. The voice of the poor man was so loud that it was disturbing the rich man. The poor man was praying to God for money so that he can cater for the needs of his family. His prayers were so loud and persistent that the rich man told him to input his bank account details on his phone so that he can credit him some money and give room for him to make his own requests which are more serious. In short, the weight of the problem of the two people is extremely different.


To cap it all, every individual, rich or poor, male or female, young or old should understand how to manage their financial challenges. It is important not to allow money related matters weigh you down. It is advisable to plan your finances. Try as much as possible not to spend beyond your means. The things that are not important should not be spent on. You'd have a financial challenge free life when you put some of these tips into consideration.


Thank you for reading. I looking forward to hearing your thoughts/experience about financial challenges in the comments.


@tipu curate
