What is The Best Rebellion Epic Reward Card?

in LeoFinance2 months ago

There is a way to figure out the market consensus by looking at the price of the Cards. There one thing getting in the way of merely looking at the prices to form an opinion. Soulbound Cards are very expensive to be made Unbound at this stage. The ones who are going to buy these Cards from the market at these inflated prices are the ones who are the most desperate for them. We cannot compare these market actions against the Cards that do not have an Unbinding process.

The reason I focus on Epic Cards so much is because I find them a lot more useful in Battle. This is partially because they get very powerful early on, making them more cost effective to acquire and use in Gold and Diamond Leagues where I spend almost all my gameplay on. I will present individual Stats by Level for those who are not already familiar with the Cards.

Kha’zi The Conjurer

Shock Trooper

Thanalorian Blade

Olivia of The Brook

Arachne Weaver

Night Reaper

Halfling Refugee


If I only can choose the best, I would select for Halfling Refugee, especially level 3. It only cost 1 mana and Neutral Splinter, which can be used in many cases.
The second will be Olivia of The Brooks

Halfling Refugee is extremely useful in some Rule Sets. Kha’zi The Conjurer becomes extremely powerful when paired with Yodin Zaku. Olivia of The Brook is my favorite. Together these makes up my top list. Thank you for the comment.

Olivia >> Arachne >> Refugee >> Night Reaper >> T Blade >> Shock Trooper >> Kha'Zi

In my opinion.

In stark contrast to the somewhat disappointing legendary reward cards in Rebellion (with a few exceptions), the team managed to make a set of extraordinary epics, all of which unequivocally have their uses in different rulesets and niches, even though some (those with debilitations) were originally received with a certain amount of reserve.

In my opinion, the Halfling Refugee is the best allrounder of the lot (especially in low mana teams and from level 3 onwards), closely followed by Olivia and Arachne Weaver.

Unfortunately, the highly disappointing Dragon summoners in Rebellion mean that Night Reaper is not getting the attention it definitely deserves, and because of the constant ascendancy of Tofu we’re seeing less teams with Thanalorian Blade than we should.