Good shout! I've used certifications myself in the past not so much as something that makes a huge different on paper, but does mean I've covered a technology more broadly than I might do if I was just using it for a specific application. It's also a great way to skill up on new tech and helps with your interview prep too as it means a lot of things are in your memory.
Well said. Sometimes if we don't aim for certifications, we may not even upskill.
Hey buddy. It is nice to see your comments. Hope you are doing good. Long time. 🙂
Yeah exactly re having something to aim for! At the moment I'm doing AWS Associate Developer. I probably won't do the higher level AWS ones because they get super costly and I'm 'between jobs' right now so money is tight - but I can still study for the higher ones and do the practice exams for them either for free or nearly free if I end up buying a cheap course. And at the same time I'm building a personal project that actually uses the stuff I'm learning to reinforce it. (and really enjoying all of it!)
Otherwise doing good - mostly been working on an AI project for the last 6 months and music of course.
How are you dong?
My personal projects have slowed down and the crypto projects are also not doing well right now. Hope the next bull run brings some fortune for us.
Yes ML and AI are hot things right now. Good to pick it up early. Let's hope for the best. Cheers!
Same - all the best with all your projects! Reach out to me any time on Discord if you need help with anything.
Yeah sure will do. If you also need an extra developer in any of your projects, reach out to me. 🙂