Why I Am So Excited About The Potential Of The Tesla Bot

in LeoFinance7 months ago

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The TAM of this market is absurd.

In this video I discuss how some estimate the labor market to be around $35 trillion per year. This paid labor. What about unpaid labor? There are a lot of things people do each day that isnt compensated.

Here is where we see the potential much greater than commonly discussed.

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I think Elon's estimates are a bit exaggerated. He expects similar adoption to smartphones. But with a pricetag of 20k USD, it is more likely going to be 1 per household. I've had household helpers when I was younger, and having one for every member of the family was unthinkable. Maybe for the royal family. 1 was enough, and there was a lot of downtime throughout the day, especially when we were at school and work. So if the bot is efficient, there will be even more down times.

And the unpaid labour is very common since it has to deal with the average classes