Tesla And Software As A Service

in LeoFinancelast year

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SaaS is more than just a fancy title. It certainly is the basis of many companies. Is the automotive industry moving in this direction?

In this video I discuss how Tesla's revenues from Saas, even without Full Self Driving, could be enormous. Of course, this is going to require a lot more than 5 million cars in their total fleet.

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While I certainly see the appeal of software as a service from a vendor point of view, personally, I will avoid purchasing a vehicle the requires me to pay a subscription fee for as long as I possibly can. Full self driving may eventually make it worthwhile (if it's cheap enough) but even that only appeals to me if we reach a point where I can just sit in the passenger seat or back seat (if I so choose) while the car takes me where I want.

Well even if that was technologically available tomorrow, it is not going to happen for years due to regulators. Those who believe self driving is just around the corner dont understand how the process works.

Hell the regulators havent even developed the metrics of how they are going to judge whether they approve it or not.

I think SaaS for vehicles might backfire. I have seen some posts where people are saying that a car purchase is already a big amount, not getting the full feature, or having to pay for it like a subscription is too much. Something similar is already existing in the video game industry. Microtransactions and DLCs in games make people move away from buying those games.

Is the automotive industry moving in this direction?

yup it probably is o.o im waiting for it. full self driving will be crazy just wonder how it would go about if theres problems. O.O would tesla be liable if the self driving car crashed or got into an accident

 11 months ago Reveal Comment