Taking an education loan is a bad idea. I'm speaking form personal experience. There is no guarantee that you will get a job that can deal with both your living expenses as well as loan EMI on time unless you are a brainiac who can easily get a really good job otherwise you will just be a guy working to pay his debt in your youth instead of having some fun while you are young.
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I agree with your perspective too. But we shouldn't stop our further education because of this burden.
Yeah sure but in India parents forces their children to take courses they can't handle all because of this education loan. Good luck convincing them haha.
That is true brother, I do have to pay a huge home lone 😔 and some other small loans from people as well. Not sure how long this is gonna take.
I feel your pain bro. That's what happens when you are born poor. It's like we are born to pay debts during our youth. Most people here just live their life by cycling debts. It's stressful.