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RE: Saylor Arc Continued: Paranoid Crypto Anarchists!

in LeoFinance4 months ago

There is so much here to unpack.

Michael Saylor is at it again!

  • I think this statement actually foreshadows all that is to come.

  • Micheal Saylor is many things, to many people, but like Elon Musk he now thinks out loud, in public...

  • And well it's disturbing... unless you realize that we all think in contradictory terms, or statements, as we think through concepts in our mind.

  • We look at the true statements, the false statements, the unclear statements and we gather facts and data to make those determinations.

  • Then we discus how one statement holds up to thoughtful discussion versus how other statements fall apart under similar circumstances.

  • Quite Frankly I think Both Elon Musk and Micjael Saylor have become public thinking entities, who do a lot of their thinking in the form of public discourse.

  • If you think about it, public discourse is how the original Greek Government we swear were the first democracies , use to operate.

  • People make statements, and then discuss the various Pros and Cons of these statements or positions.

  • I think that you are kind of pointing this out, perhaps indirectly, that we now live in a time when men to rich to care what people think, now debate the merits of controversial topics on Twitter.

  • They come across as confused and their thoughts seem to be all over the place on an issue.

  • In reality I think all people think in a similar, but perhaps less diverse and less public fashion.

  • Elon Musk said "My mind is a storm"

  • I think all minds are a storm. I talk to adolescent males and females for a living, and believe me, their minds are a storm of rational and irrational statements.

  • And , if, I understand your points, there were many, many things Saylor says, which are true, technically or clearly correct, in a historically factual manner.

  • .. and what he says and espouses is heavily influeneced, colored or defined by WHO he really is...

  • ... a man who made a fortune in the TradFi Corporate Sytem, with tools few of us understand or have access to...

  • ... so we must view his statements and pronouncements from his point of view, but more important, his point of functionality, or access to tools, which make his statements, make perfect sense

  • ... but from the viewpoint or point of functionality of others, they may make no sense at all...

  • ... and this is not because Saylors crazy, it's because he is Saylor, and we are not.