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RE: NY Times: Data Is Drying Up (Web3 Solves This)

in LeoFinance8 months ago

A very interesting article, from which the wheels in my head started turning, and soon I had come up with more ideas of how Hive and Inleo could benefit.

There are multiple potential business niches and potential ways to promote web 3.0 communities as alternatives which AI firms should nurture as potential data banks they can mine for free.

What if open ai decided to start upvoting everything on HIve to encourage the rapid growth of the data base.
What if..perish the thought
What is plagarism was no longer frowned upon, but encouraged as a method of moving data from data bases locked by firewalls and enormulous user fees to databses which were free.

A Hive whale consortium controlled by AI platforms could completely transform Hive in a month or two into an army of web crawlers moving data from the paid web to the free web, as a growing source of data for the AI consortium, which could in time rival the google and twitter databases.

Or if that is distatseful, this same whale pod could just incentivize the creation of new data by people who have seemingly unlimited productivity potential, they just lack incentive. Provide incentives and problem solved.

What if a whale ten times your size incentivized you to do more. Just imagine the enormulous productivity which could be obtained by a taskmaster rewarded tenfold for every post. That would mean amazing data production. Then imagine 10x that by selectively incentivizing those with the most productivity potential.

It would take time, but the history of capitalism shows us, that with enough money, time can be overcome as a limiting factor.

Put more bodies on a task to complete it faster.

Using Dollars or Euros in the developing world is a sure way to shift workers from one industry to another.

Sure it sounds mercenary, but the world has always needed mercenaries from the time of Rome until now. And pay to archive could be the next big thing in web 3.0

After all, what are mercenaries? People standing on the wall, performing the tasks which the rich and powerful don't want to do, so they pay them to do.

It is the way of the world.