How I Fight My Sleepy Mind

in LeoFinance7 months ago

Source of above image: "Write In Journal" by Walt Stoneburner is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

I must admit I am not a successful person in my life. Having done post-graduation, which is nearly going through 18 years of education I am jobless and instead I rely on online income streams.
However, this does not mean I am a complete failure either; perhaps I could not reach my goals in my life that is why I say that I do not claim to be a success story for people to emulate. After thinking and pondering hard on this aspect of my life I noticed that may be I have a "Sleepy Mind" syndrome now you must be thinking what is the state of the sleepy mind.
Sleepy mind means that either you are drowsy or may be are in a state of relaxation and I have categorized my self to be in the latter part. I feel my mind is always relaxed in most of the time I am awake. Now you must be thinking just do the following activities and you will be in full alert mode and these methods are scientifically proven to work for a sleepy mind case which are:

  • Wash your face often with fresh water.
  • Take a shower at least after waking up in the morning.
  • Go to sleep on time and wake up on time meaning to fix your sleeping cycle also known as circadian rhythm.
  • Involve yourself in doing physical activities like walking, running, jogging, swimming, or even taking sports as a regular hobby.
  • Talking more to people and socializing.
  • Increase community activities like going to social gatherings.
  • Taking coffee or tea that has caffeine which boosts alertness automatically for a short period of time at least.
  • Going to concerts or other public gatherings where there is music or any other spectacle like for example even watching a movie.

Well my friends I know for a fact that even if I go through all of these above methods my state of having a sleepy mind will still continue because I have tried and test every single activity but nothing has worked. But I have started to figure out what does actually work for me to come out of the sleepy mind state of mine. Here is my plan and I will explain why as well because something that is working for me might not work for others.

  • Getting my self into a lonely place hence going into a state of solitude for 30 minutes minimum.
  • Once I have gone through doing nothing and being lonely for 30 minutes my mind goes into the state of being boring and this is where after that period is gone ideas start to roll into my mind and that is why I went through this process.
  • Now I just write the ideas with my ink pen and tangible paper journal and write each and every idea down one by one. These ideas might include my next content creation topic or even next to do list.
  • After writing down my potential road map all I have to do is execute these plans of mine.
  • Once my written objectives have been completed I must do the final step of using my ink pen to cross each and every line in my to do list as this would mean I completed what I wrote down earlier in the day.

After completing all the above steps I will finally tell my self that I am no longer in the sleepy mind mode. And that is how I fight my sleepy mind. Please let me know in comments section what you think about my strategy to fight my sleepy mind. If you have any ideas I would love for you to share with me.

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Sharing some great advice my friend, thank you!!!